New pics of Bindy in the new house

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Well-Known Member
Jan 8, 2005
Reaction score
NSW, , Australia
I have a couple of pics of Bindy now we are in the new house.

Thirsty stuff all this moving you houses you know!


Now I'm thinking about going for a play wanna come along?


just got to make sure this is mine


I still love this box, glad they packed it for me


Picture of my fairy doormat mummy put there for me 'cause we have floorboards now


Congrats on the new house! I hope she enjoys it as much as I enjoyed looking at the pictures. Your Bindy is such a cutie!

Thanks ruka,

Bindy is doing much better on the floorboards now than when we firstgot here, she would skid and slide everywhere, but she is happy and wehave a big mat in the loungeroom where she Binkies etc and we havegiven her a blanket of her own to run, jump and play on.

aww congrats with ypour new house and wow gr8pics!1 just soo cute!1 aww i love what you wrote about him hehehe!! mefav is im glad you packed tht BOX!! LOL gr8 pics thanks for showing usall soo adorable!:D:)

Hi Jan!!

Bindy has settled in quite well, (takes a bit of time to be ruler of a new place ya know) LOL
I missed you guys too ;)
I cant get over how much Bindy looks like my Guienvere =) So much they could be sisters!

Anyway, glad to see pictures =) Gotta love the blue and white buns!
Glad to hearyour move was a success. Bindy's adorable. Looks like she has lots of personality.:D
*music to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star*

* * * * * * *

"Bindy, Bindy, Little Star :star:,
How I wonder how you are."


Ariel, where areyou?

I miss you and Bindy. I need an ariel and Bindy update. A story would be nice too. Ohh and a picture. ;)

I really miss you Sweetie.


Brindi looks such like a sweetheart. :inlove:

Do me a favor and give her a big hug for me? LOLS. Imagine without thatlittle doormat outside her cage. Once she hops out she'll be skiddingall over the floor! Haha. In fact, the skidding reminds me of Emmy. Ifwe caught her upstairs where she isn't suppose to be, she hopsdownstairs and once that final step she runs off skidding all over theplace!!




Hey you guys, funny you ask how we are as I was here yesterday for abit and started to reply, anyway today was my first day back at workafter being on holidays for 2 weeks.

We had a good time together, we have our sheds built now, Bindy isgrowing , she is now 4lb 6oz!!!!! OMG!!!! (going to have to cut down onher craisins I think LOL) We just weighed her lastnight, it's amazingto think and look back at how small she was when she first came to livewith us just before christmas.

Our daughter is not having the best time at the moment though, one ofher ratties Teah has been diagnosed with a cancerous tumour, she hashad Teah and Ebony for just under 3 yrs and poor Teah this tumour shehas is growing at a rapid rate, so we are making her as comfy as we canand just waiting 'till THE day arrives. Krystle handled the vetexplaining things very well, and the vet was fantastic with her as well.
We are keeping a close eye on both her and Teah , so far in a week thisthing has doubled in size and is about the size of a ping pong ball,all we can do is wait and enjoy her while we have her.

OK on to some pics to brighten us all (yes Tina I seen your request for pics LOL)
I did put all these pics through photobucket but for some reason a couple came out still waay big , so sorry about that.

This is Ebony & Teah snugglin' when they were younger


This is Ebony with the what ya lookin' at look(took this last week)


This is Teah at the back snuggled down (took this last week as well)


Bindy Windy when she first came to live with us in December lastyear Funny lookin' thing she was , I mean she was cute butshe looked all outta shape LOL


Bindy looking a bit like a whacked out koala bear cross rabbit type critter


Bindy now with the I am queen of this house attitude


What? Why do I have to do anything when I have you to do it for me??



Look at the pitiful look!! Too funny!

Bindy IS Queen of the's not just her attitude, it's Her Position.


When will you learn???

Thanks for the pictures. Can't get enough of Chubbers - aka: Bindy.



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