New owner.. lots of questions.

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Apr 9, 2006
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I'm a first time bunny owner...and I have a fewquestions.I've been looking a lot on these forums and have found a lotof info. So I just want to clearify some topics to make sure Iunderstand everything perfectly.

1) Adding Vanilla to water for odor and to avoid flies.
- I have Artificial Vanilla Extract (Ingredients: Water, Alcohol,Caramel Colour, Artificial Flavour)... Is this safe or does it need tobe real vanilla and not artificial?

3) I currently use Marshall brand Bi-Odor for our 2 ferrets for odor(body & waste), and they have this product available for rabbitstoo, has anyone tried this? Or is it just as well to use VanillaExtract with the same results but cheaper cost?

2) I've read about a lot of different litters... seems that themajority of people are recommending Woody Pet, I have to call aroundtoday and see if this is available here where I live. If it isn't, whatis the next best option?

3) What is the best product to use for bedding? Right now I am usingPine Shavings until my bun is littered trained, but once he is trainedI'd like to use something less messy (I have shavings from one side ofthe room to the other). I heard that it is best to use beddingdifferent from the litter because they will learn to distinguishbetween where to go potty (the litter) and where not to (their bed). Isthis accurate?

4) Regarding food, I'm currently using Sun Seed Sunthing Special RabbitPelleted Food. Is this a good brand? Does it meet nutritional needs?

I think that is all the questions.. for now... hehe. Hopefully thiswill help future newbies by summing up the enormous amount of infoavailable on here also.

ummm. first of all ditch the pine ASAP. pine isawful for respitory systems. it can and will cause problems later on inlife. they shouldnt even sell it, its so awful!i use woodypet. i get a huge bag that last me over a month from tractor supplycompany. if you cant find woody pet i would go with aspen chips (notshavings)and i wouldnt use that vanilla extract because it has alcoholin it. and alot of rabbit foods commonly found (sun seed, kaytee) arepretty far from reaching nutritions requirments. i think most peoplehere would recommend Oxbow bunny basics. also i personally see noreason to use that bio odor. my rabbit has no potty smells unless islack on cleaning out her litter box.

just out of curiousity is your bunny an outdoor or indoor bunny?

how old?
whats the best thing to use for bedding? I heardit was best to use something different for bedding than what you usefor litter. Is that correct?

He is a indoor bunny. 2 mths old.

I was reading up on the nutiritional needs and the protein, fiber andfat needed matched with what Sun Seed provided so I figured that wasgood. I haven't heard of Oxbow bunny basics. I'll have to look onlineand have it shipped to me. There is only one pet store in my town..andother than that I have to drive 4.5 hrs to the next pet store.
Welcome to the forum!

1.) Artificial is supposed to work just as well. For therecord, I haven't used either. The first time you add it toothe water, give your bun a second bottle/water bowl with normal waterin case he doesn't like the vanilla.

2.) Rabbits smell much less than ferrets.;) I've found thatkeeping up on cleaning the litter and occasionally wiping the cage downwith white vinegar works perfectly. I have four buns, and myfriends have commented on how they can't smell anything.

3.) There are lots of brands similar to Woody Pet that work just aswell. I use ABM pelleted bedding. Farm and horsestores are more likely to carry this stuff cheaply. FelinePine is the same thing but more expensive. Check here formore on litter:

4. If your bun isn't white, you can use newspaper. White bunstend to turn grey.:? You could also use aspen shavings (whichI think are messy), Carefresh, or my preference... nothing.It's much easier to clean, and they tend to push the litter out of theway to sleep on the floor. You can also provide straw matsor, in the case of very well behaved rabbits, bath or flour sack towelsto lay on. If they chew the towels, you should take them awayas the cloth can create blockages.

5.) I'm not familiar with this brand. Could youpost the nutrition label? Since he's a baby he'll needalfalfa pellets with 16% or less protein and as much fiber aspossible. Many feed stores carry rabbit pellets that are morehealthy than the pet store stuff. Are you feeding himhay?
LOL.. I just noticed my numbering was totally out of whack.

The Sun Seed Rabbit Food I am using is:
Protein 18%
Fat 2%
Fiber 20%
Moisture 14%
Calcium 1.10%
Salt 0.35%

It's not the bunny himself that smells, and his cage and litter don'tsmell...but where he isn't totally litter trained yet, he pee'd on thefloor and it stunk. But that was the first time he pee'd on the floorand I think that was because he was out in the living room and his cageis in the computer room and his outside litter is in the kitchen, so Ithink it was just to far for him to go. So it's no big deal about theBi-Odor or Vanilla, I just heard some people mention it and waswondering.

I'm going to call around today to see where we would buy farm suppliesfor the litter (either Woody Pet or ABM pelleted bedding).

And yes, I feed him hay, Timothy Hay...he eats it like it is going out of style!! hehe. PIG!!
I'd suggest calling around for better rabbitpellets, too. 18% protein is a lot. It may notsound like it, but one percent can make a dramatic change.16% is usually the best for growing babies, 15% or less fornon-breeding adults, and wool breeds like angoras are often fed 17%protein to help sustain their fast growing coats. You shouldbe able to find a decent 16% protein pellet at a farm store.Common brands are Purina, Blue Seal, and Manna Pro.
For a pee accident on the floor, I use a spraybottle with water/vinegar mix. I use a paper towell to wipeup (or soak if on carpet), then spray the area with thewater/vinegar. Let sit for a minute or two then wipe/soak upthat.

It works quite well, and gets rid of the smell. The vinegarreacts to the pee, neutralizing it. It also helps to stop therabbit from peeing in the same spot, cause they can't smell the old peeanymore.

Well..I called every where in my province.. no Woody Pet, ABM or anything like it.

Anyone know offhand of a good place to buy it online?

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