New online =] I love my bunbuns!!

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Well-Known Member
Jul 30, 2008
Reaction score
Auckland, , New Zealand
Hey everyone,
I'm Prisca and I just got two wee lil black rabbits =] They are nearly 8 week old in a few days. They're name is TOULA and LOU, I got them and thought they were both girls but instead it turns out they are both BOYS!! Im totally fine with that, but when they're older they are probable goona fight because of tetoorial thigs rite? Is that gonna be a big problem?

Toula is a lil wee active, silly, smart bunny but on the other side Lou is quite, calm and a bit more timid. I love em both !!

I'm havin a wee trouble with their long nails it need a bit of a trim but i dont want to do it my self so imma take them to the vet and let them do it hehe :p

If anyone wants to give me some tips you're more than welcome.

Prisca, Toula and Lou. :biggrin2:

P.s how do I add pictures into the blog things? Thnkies
Welcome to the forum Prisca!:wave:

Sounds like you have quite a great family there!:)

You can add pics with a host image site like Photobucket. Here's how to do that!:D

Speaking of only spayed/neutered buns. Yes, two males can/will fight just as females will or a blended male/female will fight. That is why we try to bond them over a period of time. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Depends on the buns and their individual demeanor too, they're all different, how they mesh together can be tough as well. Bonding a pair can literally take a year or more. So, it's a road. You'll have detours.;)

Looking forward to seeing some pics of your pet family!:D

Let us know if you have any questions!


Heyyah =] Thank you 4 that
They've already boned cuz they're siblings, but I just have a feeling they still will fight somehow. Imma get em dexed ay =]

:welcome1to RO!!! I can't wait to see pictures and hear more about your wee ones. Neutering your buns will definately improve your chances of keeping them bonded, plus help with behavioural issues. There are plenty of folks here just waiting to help you out.

Welcome to RO. i think every body else has pretty much covered your questions, so i'll just say Hi!

I would definetly get them neutered - and you said there only just 8 weeks - i would check their sex again in about a month or so just to make sure - tyhe breeder i got mine from said mine were both girls but one of them turned out to be a boy.


hello Prisca, its me....the one you got those two gorgeous little babies from :) I used to be a regular member and now I have a new username. I am so happy you have joined, I started a blog for my bunners and your two, (used to be Nudge and Fang) are there too!

Yep, RO definately is the place for advice and its nice too that besides emailing each other we can also go bun mad right



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