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Jun 7, 2005
Reaction score
, Illinois, USA
So my sister is having a baby this month and Imight be getting her rabbit. I hope I do, but I hope I don'talso because I know they smell. My room already smellsbecause of my 2 hamsters and turtle. O well! I wasjust wondering what I should know. I know that you shouldn'tuse pine or cedar bedding. I heard something about not usingAlfalfa hay but don't know why. Anything else I shouldknow? It is a boy...Trixy...he is fixed.
Welcome!!! Check the Top Picks threadat the top of the forum, TONS of good info there. Is Trixy littertrained? If not, I would suggest doing so, and trying to seeif you can find WoodyPet in your area (check here.... )I have 5 bunnies in a fairly small room and don't smell them...thisstuff is great!!

Alfalfa is fed moreso if the bun is less than 6 months...after that you wanna stick mostly with Timothy hay.

Other than the woodypet litter, mine don't have any bedding! :) Good luck and keep us posted!
Rabbits will only smell if you don't keep theircages clean. Cedar is toxic, yes, but untreated pine is fine. LikePuterGeekGirl said, alfalfa is a little too rich for older rabbits.Just make sure he has a constant supply of timothy hay.

Carefully read through this post and the links contained within. If you still have questions, feel free to ask.
Please think long and hard before getting thisbun, its good that you have found this forum and are getting info, likeshuu said rabbits dont smell if you keep their cages clean, littertraining helps you when cleaning too, hamsters dont smell either if youkeep them clean, having a house bunny is more work than some peoplethink as you have to clean once or twice a day litter train, andprovide a safe place for exercise as well as all the other bunny chores.
I'm not really concerned about the smell becauseI love this bunny so much as does my family. When asked if mysister could give him to me if she has to, my dad said, "I can't let mygrandson just goto anyone." Mydadnormally hateshaving pets! Trixy islitter trained which will help. I feel sorry for him becausewith my sister having the baby I'm sure he knows something is differentand he won't get that much attention. I will be staying withher for a while which will be good so that I can get to knowhimbeforeI take him home if I do. I waswondering about this certain type of nail clippers because she justtakes him to the vet because she is scared to do it herself, but I knowI can do it myself as I have done it before. I saw these and didn'tknow if they were good ones or not. I'm sure someone here hastried them as there are a lot of people here withrabbits.
Is your turtle a water turtle or a landturtle? If land turtle... Woody Pet makes a great substrate=) We used it with ours until he passed. And we usecarefresh for our rat. The only time you can tell we haveanimals by the smell, is when Osiris the kitten forgets to cover hispoo =p
I have a water turtle...midland painted named Doc. He just celebrated his 5th birthday.

I didn't know if that was a cheap qualitynail clipper or notbecause it was the cheapest one.
Welcome to the forum!! I think youwill find some great rabbit information here. The top pickshas some great links as does the cheat sheet which is linked in the toppicks. Please ask lots of questions. Rabbits can belots of work, but are tons of fun!!

Jen, Daisy, Sage, Basil, Elvis, Orion, Saphy, Sampson, Lily, and Abby
You have gotten some awesome advice.Welcome. I think you'll enjoy it here. This is an incredible group ofpeople.

Jen, you forgot Dillon:shock:


Welcome !!!

You have joined the best place on the internet, if you want to know about Rabbits.

The members here are awesome, and there's always someone around to helpout with questions, or point you to the right direction i.e. a goodwebsite, the best person to get advice from.

You have been given some great advice. Its well worth checking the 'Top Picks' thread.

Zee, and the Girls


Hello and welcome to the forum!

I don't want this to come across as rude, but are you sure your sistercan handle and new baby AND a bunny? Bunnies are a lot ofwork and babies are even more work! Would she even have timeto cuddle the bunny? Time to give the bunnyexercise? Time to clean the cage and litter box?What if the baby is allergic to the bunny? Again, I don'twant to sound rude, but (tame) bunnies are LOTS of work and time, and Idon't know if I would burden a new mother with the responsibility of anew pet. Perhaps when the baby is older would be a moreappropriate time...?

Keep us posted, and good luck! And Congrats on the new baby!! :D
Kricket, I think she means her sister ishaving a baby and right now has the bunny. She is giving the bunny toTrixbunny because it is too much for her.

I cold be wrong but that's how I took.:?

Yes! dajeti2 is right! I willpossiblybe getting the bunny from my sister who ispregnant. She already has the bunny. She has had isfor a while now. I am not giving her a for the confusion.

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