New New Zealand owner from Olympia,WA

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Aug 19, 2010
Reaction score
Olympia, Washington, USA
Hello All and thank you for this forum!

I am Danielle,and alot ofpeople call me by my middle name, Dee, (feel free to address me however)and I live Olympia, Washington. I was given a sandy brown rabbit from someone who's daughter grew out of it. My 15 mo old loved him and they were very sweet together. unfortunately, I forgot to put him back in his hutch for the night and left him out in his playpen run. Well, the raccoons got him and I was really upset about it.

Going to our local county fair, I immediately feel in love with the rabbits. Sure, I'd seen rabbits in shows at such fairs, but this time, I fell in LOVE. don't know why.

So, right then I decided I wanted to raise rabbits! well, not for show, but for meat. I know, I know.. sounds awful. It still does to me! But, we also value healthy, local food. We grow our own organic garden (which my rabbits love!) and would like to also raise a chicken or two for eggs. I feel that raising my own rabbits, healthy and spoiled, for my family's food, is better and more humane than the majority of the meat that is raised and slaughtered for the grocery store.

I am mentally having a hard time already with the thought of the 'harvest', although, it will be half a year out. My husband is, too. But, again, wereally value the connection to where our food comes from and hope that strong value will override our understandable hesitation. Hubby says we'll probably just have alot of pet rabbits! lol:D.

Anyway, I just got a buck and a doe New Z's from the same litter. The breeder also has another litter about to be weaned from the same dad but different mom of my two.I'm confused about line breeding so I'm not sure if I want another pair or what from the other litter... I'll post this question in another thread..

I've named my buck Fryer Buck and the doe Maid Marian:D.

look forward to learning from you all!!!! thank you!

danielle (dee)

I dont have much to say on this, I do not agree with what you are doing.

I have a feeling your "intro" with have some words with others as well.
This subject seams to spark conflict here as this forum is about loving pet rabbits and there owners who spoil them and love them until the day they die.

Not about raising the sweet creatures they are and then to kill them to consume. Its wrong, there is no other way to put this.

Thanks for the lovely intro, and welcome.

p.s. Mod's feel free to do as you like with my reply. I stand by my words, and I feel others will not feel the best about this either.
oh. i guess i took this to be a place that was free of judgement as what was sent to me in a PM.

Just out of curiosity, Whiskerz, being from Texas, are you a meat eater? living in somewhat close proximity to the cattle 'ranches'? You're ok with that, as long as YOU don't have to get your hands dirty, I'm sure.

I am an educated woman looking for open minded, educated individuals to learn from and share with. Apparently, I found the wrong place.
Welcome to the forum! I'm south of you in Rochester, WA! I'm a youth breeder of Ruby-Eyed-White Mini Rex (hoping to add Opal MR, and Black Otter Standard Rex) and show my rabbits at the Thurston County Fair.

ETA: Whiskerz, while you and MANY other members on this forum do not agree with it, it's a fact & way of life for others, so please keep that in mind, alright? ;)

Peaple manly raise New Zealands as meat rabbits, they are a meat breed aswell. I have nothing against it.
to quote Voltaire one more time, "i may not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it". Since so many are pet people here, don't expect an open arms reception from everyone. Just like the plans to build a Mosque in NY two blocks from the 9-11 site--it's your right, but I don't agree with it being put so close--if you want people to be sensitive to your needs, you have to be sensitive to theirs. That's my two cents thrown at the hornets nest.
No, there are other great members here on the forum who dont mind it, I do..strongly though.

I am a vegetarian and think the consumption of meat alone is absolutely horrible.
I feel they are living, breathing animals and deserve life as well.

The ranches here make me sick, but I know that there are lots of people in this world who eat meat, yes I get that.

I just dont see why you have to come in here say how you love bunnies, but hey, your gunna fatten em' up and munch down on them in a few months.

But thats just my opinion. Sorry to seam a bit rude but this is how I feel on the fact. I really am a nice person, really, this subject just caught my sensitive side.
I really appreciate all of the above:hug1 and thank you.

I admittedly got a little sensitive because, well, I'm sensitive about it. and it was my first introduction and therefore, left a strong and bitter taste, if you know what I mean. And, I am not just going in to this with "hey lets kill bunnies!" attitude. in fact, I'm losing sleep over that part of it.
I'm a HUGE animal lover and have always had my pets in the best of loving environments. Losing pets to natural deaths has always hit me very hard.
But, as a mother and feeder of my family, I have super strong values and opinions to what we eat. I strongly support Community Supported Agriculture and our local Animal Shelter and Hoofed animal rescue. We have provided foster homes and care to many pets in need, including horses and alpacas. And none of them were for food ;)

When I weigh all the factors such as our mass food industry, (inhumane animal treatment, unsanitary living and slaughtering conditions, poor worker conditions, poor nutritional value for humans, environmental damage, etc), and the current economic times, this has seemed to be a great opportunity to live within my values.

Yes, i value animals as pets, too. Cows and pigs make excellent pets that are bondable and satisfying companions. Yet people eat them all the time. I eat them. but, I don't ever ever want to get my hands dirty to bring them to my table.
Its harder with rabbits because our perception of them is cute and cuddly. and i tend to agree:D but, i feel that way about all animals, including chickens.
And who can say for sure that most rabbits want to be cuddled? We find them cuddly and they fit our needs as pets, but, one could argue that they don't belong in cages in apartments and really don't want to be cuddled.
These are not my position, just that I am open to seeing all these aspects.
We built a HUGE hutch with removable panels. each cage area has a 3ftX3ft floor space and 2.5ft high. with the walls out the rabbits have the whole length (ten feet). and I have a few very large (5X8ft) outdoor pens that they free graze all day. They are loved and handled and given treats and free range of my garden and I they think have it better than most of the pet rabbit conditions I've seen.

I am really more interested in the husbandry of rabbits. the babies and the mothering and the caring for. that's what's really got me excited about this.

I hope I can stay here and learn from you all! I'm a really caring and giving person who loves to learn from others and connect with folks. I hope that those that see me or my motives as "wrong", will move past the way I feel best to take care of my family nutritionally and financially and get to know me thru all the other experiences I could bring to your community :)
Whiskerz wrote:
I am a vegetarian and think the consumption of meat alone is absolutely horrible.
I feel they are living, breathing animals and deserve life as well.

The ranches here make me sick, but I know that there are lots of people in this world who eat meat, yes I get that.

I just dont see why you have to come in here say how you love bunnies, but hey, your gunna fatten em' up and munch down on them in a few months.
But thats just my opinion. Sorry to seam a bit rude but this is how I feel on the fact. I really am a nice person, really, this subject just caught my sensitive side.

That's cool you're a vegetarian! We try to eat vegetarian for most meals.

I didn't intend to stomp on your territory here by having "to come in here say how you love bunnies, but hey, your gunna fatten em' up and munch down on them in a few months." I should have read closer to see that this was for pet bunnies, not just all about raising rabbits.

Its fine. Im sorry about how rude I was, but this is just upsetting to me. I understand where you as a person is coming from but I just dont agree with it.

But hey, thats why everyone is different. :)
i think ita great youre a rabbit lover and hopefully you'll come to feel these bunnies are your family (and wont eat them). .personally i could never eat something that i've named! but to each his/her own. anyway welcome to the forum
Let me welcome you to Rabbits Online, my name is Dave and I am a moderator on the forum. So if I can be of any help please let me know. This is a terrific website for rabbits and their slaves, not only is it very active but also friendly. I am so glad you’re here and I know you will enjoy it.

This forum is more of a pet/breeder forum,the discussion of raising rabbits for meat is discouraged. The raisingof rabbits is no problem, I would just becareful asthe topic of meat rabbits it evokes strong emotionsamoungsome people.

Many bunny's recommend their slaves to this site so we may learn of others methods to keeping our furry masters happy.

If you everhave a sick bunny, please post in The Infirmary and include your rabbit's age, breed and health history as well diet and output details leading up to the problem.

I have listed some links I thought you might find interesting:

*For reference the Library section

*To brag or tell everyone about the antics of your bunny or just to talk about your day here is where to start a Bunny Blog, you can also look back at it later and remember when you had a life before your bunny.

*Now all the bunny’s like talk to each other when we mere slaves aren’t around in the Bunny Chat is the spot to be.

*Rabbits Online also has regional forums , this a good way to find a vet in your area that has experience with rabbits and to find out from other nearby of good sources of rabbit supplies.

The Let Your Hare Down section is for anything non-bunny related.

Here is a link tothat will help you and your bunny to connect, How To Bond With Your Bunny.

Now every forum has rules and ours can be found with this link Rabbits Online Forum Rules. This gives guidelines on what is acceptable, what is not and how we hope everyone will treat each other.

Everyone on this forum loves to see pictures of each other’s bunnies. So if you would like to post a picture this link will help you do that, Upload Photo's to Photo Gallery. Then in the post, you click on the "G" in the tool bar to insert your photo. Many people also use Photobucket. You just copy the img file and paste it into the post.

I am glad you have joined rabbits online and I look forward to seeing you around.

I know that another mod has chimed in. But I will say this. No this is not a meat breeding forum, but if you are coming here to learn how to take care of them the right way check out the links wabbitdad supplied. Also ask questions. But it is a touchy subject we do have meat breeders on the forum but they do not mention it at all in their post.
Which is what we ask per our rules of the forum. I am glad you came here and please enjoy the forum.

Kat TF Mod

P.S. Let also remember members if you can not say anything nice please do not say anything at all.
Nice to meet you!
Love your bunnies names- Great punnage :D

This forum is more geared towards pet owners and show breeders. While some members do breed rabbits for consumption, we avoid any discussion of killing or processing of meat rabbits.

However, there are plenty of great breeders here that would be able to help you with caring for the pregnant does &kits, as well as assessing disease and injury.

For the meat production end of things, you would be best served by the following forums:

Here, the Rabbitry will be really helpful for husbandry and genetics tips. You ought to post your line breeding questions there :)

I hope that helps a bit :)
thank you all! and again, I in no way intended to trample here with this topic. I just didn't read more into the site and got ahead of myself.
I sincerely meant no disrespect to you all!

In the meantime I've adopted two more beautiful pedigree buns. just gorgeous! I love them so much! they've been gettng lots of love and yummy greens.
And no worries, folks~ NONE of these rabbits will ever be eaten or killed.

much love rabbitloves, keep being good pet owners!
Hi Danielle! If you ever have any questions, I'm most likely right down the street. LOL!
If you still need cages (SO sorry about not getting on that. I tried calling, no one answered, and then I got *really* busy.), Blue Camas (emily) is selling some. They'd work fine as starter cages, although it'd be nice to upgrade shortly after. (It's how i started, too.)


Certainly just let me know if you ever need any help with them. Including the doing the "unmentionable". 8D

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