Hello All and thank you for this forum!
I am Danielle,and alot ofpeople call me by my middle name, Dee, (feel free to address me however)and I live Olympia, Washington. I was given a sandy brown rabbit from someone who's daughter grew out of it. My 15 mo old loved him and they were very sweet together. unfortunately, I forgot to put him back in his hutch for the night and left him out in his playpen run. Well, the raccoons got him and I was really upset about it.
Going to our local county fair, I immediately feel in love with the rabbits. Sure, I'd seen rabbits in shows at such fairs, but this time, I fell in LOVE. don't know why.
So, right then I decided I wanted to raise rabbits! well, not for show, but for meat. I know, I know.. sounds awful. It still does to me! But, we also value healthy, local food. We grow our own organic garden (which my rabbits love!) and would like to also raise a chicken or two for eggs. I feel that raising my own rabbits, healthy and spoiled, for my family's food, is better and more humane than the majority of the meat that is raised and slaughtered for the grocery store.
I am mentally having a hard time already with the thought of the 'harvest', although, it will be half a year out. My husband is, too. But, again, wereally value the connection to where our food comes from and hope that strong value will override our understandable hesitation. Hubby says we'll probably just have alot of pet rabbits! lol
Anyway, I just got a buck and a doe New Z's from the same litter. The breeder also has another litter about to be weaned from the same dad but different mom of my two.I'm confused about line breeding so I'm not sure if I want another pair or what from the other litter... I'll post this question in another thread..
I've named my buck Fryer Buck and the doe Maid Marian
look forward to learning from you all!!!! thank you!
danielle (dee)
I am Danielle,and alot ofpeople call me by my middle name, Dee, (feel free to address me however)and I live Olympia, Washington. I was given a sandy brown rabbit from someone who's daughter grew out of it. My 15 mo old loved him and they were very sweet together. unfortunately, I forgot to put him back in his hutch for the night and left him out in his playpen run. Well, the raccoons got him and I was really upset about it.
Going to our local county fair, I immediately feel in love with the rabbits. Sure, I'd seen rabbits in shows at such fairs, but this time, I fell in LOVE. don't know why.
So, right then I decided I wanted to raise rabbits! well, not for show, but for meat. I know, I know.. sounds awful. It still does to me! But, we also value healthy, local food. We grow our own organic garden (which my rabbits love!) and would like to also raise a chicken or two for eggs. I feel that raising my own rabbits, healthy and spoiled, for my family's food, is better and more humane than the majority of the meat that is raised and slaughtered for the grocery store.
I am mentally having a hard time already with the thought of the 'harvest', although, it will be half a year out. My husband is, too. But, again, wereally value the connection to where our food comes from and hope that strong value will override our understandable hesitation. Hubby says we'll probably just have alot of pet rabbits! lol
Anyway, I just got a buck and a doe New Z's from the same litter. The breeder also has another litter about to be weaned from the same dad but different mom of my two.I'm confused about line breeding so I'm not sure if I want another pair or what from the other litter... I'll post this question in another thread..
I've named my buck Fryer Buck and the doe Maid Marian
look forward to learning from you all!!!! thank you!
danielle (dee)