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May 31, 2005
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Hello......Iam a new member but a previous bunny owner. My other bunnywas a beautiful rex/lionhead buck. He died mysteriously thispast friday while I was out with friends. My roommate claimedthat he did not know what happened but I have a feeling that he hadsomething to do with it. Toby had been very hostile towardsmy rommate as of late.....growling and clawing at him when he camenear. My roommate is kind of like a large child and we allknow that children are not good with rabbits. The reason whyToby's death seems so odd to me is because he was acting so normallywhen I Iast saw him. He was jumping and playing and evenkissed me goodbye before I placed him in his cage and left for theday. I don't know what happened.

I was so lonely without him thatafter crying all weekend, I picked up amini lopdoe. She is a month old and very pretty. She haswhite fur with light reddish brown spots and light eyes that match thebrown in her fur. Her personality is very different fromToby's.......she is very docile and sweet and enjoys beingcuddled. My roommate is too scared to touch her and I ammoving into my own apartment in a week so that I wont have to worryabout other people harming my animals. I just want to raiseher to be the happiest most affectionate bunny ever....anytips?
Sorry to hear about Toby... :( Thats awful and I hope you are not right in what happened to him! How horrible!!

Congrats on your new addition however....and we love to see pics if you can post some!

I would say keep handling her alot and keeping her used tothings...also having them spayed/neutered can help alot of times withunwanted behaviors.

Welcome to the forum. I'm sorry to hear about Toby. Did you consider having a necropsy done?

As for tips, check out the cheat sheet for rabbit care link under thetop picks sticky at the top of the page. It has tons of goodtips.

Congrats on the new bun... sorry about Tobythough. I have a mini lop doe now who is about 3 and 1/2months old. She has the sweetest personality and loves petsand to cuddle and give kisses. Just make sure to give themplenty of attention and exercise each day... limited "treats" are goodto, kinda like a bribe... mini lops seem to have wonderfulpersonalities as it is... so I'm sure love and attention will be morethan enough to keep her happy and sweet! Good luck andwelcome!

I did consider having an autopsy done after Iburied him but it was too late then. The shock of coming hometo find my baby laying on his side with his eyes half closed and hisfur cold to the touch was too much. I just wanted to get himout of my sight as soon as Icould.......the image stillhaunts me though. I just handle my grief differently fromothers.....if I don't see it, I can pretend not to feel it.
As weird as it sounds, he was my bestfriend. Let me explain...people will be there for you if theyhave the time but not always......animals always have time for you andinstead of contradicting you, they listen. I lost my bestfriend when he died. Hopefully, Annie with her docilepersonality will grow up to fill the void that Toby left.
Keltickitty22 wrote:
As weird as it sounds, he was my best friend. Letme explain...people will be there for you if they have the time but notalways......animals always have time for you and instead ofcontradicting you, they listen. I lost my best friend when hedied. Hopefully, Annie with her docile personality will growup to fill the void that Toby left.

AW! Sweetheart! I am so sorry about Toby.I completely understand what you mean! It is so hard to losea pet. Especially a pet that is a friend. My dogdied about 4 weeks ago.She was my best buddy since I was asophomore in high school. And my mom insisted weget another dog. It's weird with a new puppy (and my sweetbuns), but he has helped me a little get over my other loss.The only suggestion I have is, lock your cage! Granted itwon't stop someone from doing something to your sweet Annie, but it maykeep someone from getting into her cage. Hold her lots andcry with her. She is your sweetie and she'llunderstand. Pets and kisses and all the love you have areperfect for her! You go enjoy that bun. Rememberall of the good times with Toby and get ready for lots of fun withAnnie. :kiss:

Hugs! Shorty, Star & Krick
I am feeling better about things. Ihad Annabell out this morning cuddling on my chest and she got up andlicked my lips. So I got my first rabbit kiss fromher. She kissed me two other times as well. I amhoping that she is bonding to me and that it isn't just because shelikes how my lips taste...I do use a vanilla flavored chapstick. ;)
Keltickitty22 wrote:
I am feeling better about things. I had Annabellout this morning cuddling on my chest and she got up and licked mylips. So I got my first rabbit kiss from her. Shekissed me two other times as well. I am hoping that she isbonding to me and that it isn't just because she likes how my lipstaste...I do use a vanilla flavored chapstick. ;)
She lovesyou! You are a GREAT Baby Wabbit's Mamma! Enjoyyour new friend! ;)
Keltickitty22 wrote:
As weird as it sounds, he was my best friend. Letme explain...people will be there for you if they have the time but notalways......animals always have time for you and instead ofcontradicting you, they listen. I lost my best friend when hedied. Hopefully, Annie with her docile personality will growup to fill the void that Toby left.
You don't have to explain...I Feel that way with Corky and I've onlyhad him since March...would explain why I've and still am spendinghundreds of dollars and all this heartache trying to get him better!!!!

Glad to hear about Annie!!!
Sorry to hear of your loss.

Sounds like your new bunny is very affectionate.

Also the new bunny may have been infected with a bacteria.

This couldhave caused the mysterious death of your Rex rabbit.

Rabbits have been known to die suddenly.

Some rabbits can carry bacteria that doesn't makethem sick but he can give this bacteria to another rabbit and thatrabbit can get sick and even die suddenly.

Next time you get a new bunny keep him away from you other rabbits.

Well I did read about that. The onlything is that the last time Toby was around other rabbits was when hewas a month old and those were his litter mates and his mom.I had him for four months before he mysteriously died. He didnot exhibit any signs of sickness or abnormal behavior.Because of these things, I think it very highly unlikely that he diedfrom a bacteria transmitted from other rabbits.

Annabell should not be in any trouble if it was virus or bacteriabecause I washed the cage in bleach, let it sit and then washed it inregular dish soap before rinsing it thoroughly and drying itoff. Likewise the food bowl and water bottle weresterilized. I also threw out Toby's toys and wooden hideawayand bought them new for Annabell. I care very much for myanimals and I would never risk their lives by making assumptionsalthough I am pretty sure my roommate had something to do with Toby'sdeath. He acts suspiciously guilty every time I talk aboutToby. Just to ensure that he cannot hurt Annabell, I lock herin my bedroom before I leave the house and never leave her unattendedaround him.
So sorry for Toby Death i hope you feel betterbut this doe mini lop sounds nice all the best with her keep me updatedwith her love to see pictures of her xxx
How is Annabell doing? And how are YOU doing? :p

P.S. Is that Annabell in your avatar?
Keltickitty22 wrote:
My roommate istoo scared to touch her and I am moving into my own apartment in a weekso that I wont have to worry about other people harming myanimals. I just want to raise her to be the happiest mostaffectionate bunny ever....any tips?

Thank God you're getting away from that roommate! My heartgoes out to you for losing Toby. You poor thing.You must've been absolutely devastated.

I was glad to see that you adopted Annabelle. For affection,I'd keep on doing what you're doing now. Lots of cuddling,kissing, and cooing. Rabbits respond so well to positivereinforcement and very badly to negativity. Not worried inthe least that your little one is in for a loving, happy,andcomfortable life with you. Very much looking forward tohearing that you're away from that roommate though.

Welcome to the forum. We're happy to have you here.



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