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Well-Known Member
Sep 16, 2009
Reaction score
st petersburg, Florida, USA

I am new and wanted to introduce myself. I am a 32 year old mother of 3 (furless) kids. Back when I was younger I used to show and breed californas and english angoras. I loved having bunnys around. I did loose my last angora befor my kids where born I had him for 5 years and got him at 4 years old as a retierd fiber bunny. he was a rew. Now that my girls are older they also want to get into rabbit shows. We now have to wonderful bunnies. Windy a broken blue doe and Goilath a black buck both english lops. We just love them they are sweet and so calm. The first show is in Feb at the stat fair and we can't wait. Can't wait to meet everyone and share about our lop bunnies.
What? Posting a thread about your bunnies and no pictures!

Your next thread needs some pics!!! k :)

:wave: and hunnybunny is right - a thread about obviously cute bunnies and not a picture in sight?:nonono: there are many on this forum who need their daily fix of cute bunny pics :panic:

:helloand :welcome1to RabbitsOnline. I am glad you found the site. RO is a very active, friendly and helpful website devoted to rabbits and their slaves.

Here are some good links to areas of the site you might find interesting, the Library section, full of good reference info, Bunny Blog, where you can keep everyone up to date on your bunny and your life as a bunny slave and if you bunny would like to ask questions of other buns the Bunny Chat is the spot to be. The regional forum is a good way to find a rabbit savvy vet or to post places where you get some of your supplies for your bun etc. For the lighter side and to give you a chuckle or two stop by the go to the Let Your Hare Down section for anything but bunny's.

You don't have to say what city your in but if you could update your profile with an areayour in, may be likeNorth west Ohio etc, that would help others provide you with info that may help you and your bunny.

If you would like to post pictures in your post this link How to put photo's in your posts will help explain that.

I hope I didn't overwhelm you with info. This is a wonderful site and I look forward to seeing pictures of your bun and stories about them.

Oh sorry I live in st petersburg Fl. I will update my profile asap and I will try to get some pics of them up right now all I have is what the breeder gave me of them but I will try to post them.
ok here is a try

here is Windy





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