:helloSplish (love that name), a.k.a. Olivia. Welcome to Rabbits Only! :welcome
SnoWhite looks adorable! I love white bunnies with pinkeyes! I was looking forward to fostering one... but the onethat arrived was a sable dwarf with black eyes. (Go figure).
Hi there Olivia,and welcome to Rabbits Only,thisis a fantastic forum which im sure you will love,your bunny splishlooks like an adorable little girl,cannot wait to get to know her andher antics a bit more
yea shes a good girl but the only thing abouther is that she bites.. and when i try to get her food bowl she gruntsat me and tries to bite me. is there any way i can tame her?
I haven't had any experience with a reallyaggressive rabbit like that. Only thing I might suggest ischecking out this thread onaggressionhere. There's a lot of good info there and hopefully you'llfind a method that will suit your bun.
Welcome to the forum Splish!! Glad you couldjoin us here!! Post your pictures on the Bunnny Blog section so all thephoto happy people can fawn over your gorgeous little baby!! I love thename SnowWhite!! Cute! Introduce your self in the NEW MEMBERS (2006).Ask questions in the Rabbits Only Forum unless they are sick(Infirmary) or you breeed and show snowwhite or have questions aboutthat subject (Rabbitry) Cant wait to get to know you more.:bunnydance: