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Active Member
Feb 11, 2005
Reaction score
Virginia, , USA
Hello! My husband and I adopted two buns (Floppyand Butterscotch) about a month ago (their picture is in theattachment). They both have upper respiratory infections and arecurrently on antibiotics (a bunny friendly version, of course). Well,Butterscotch's runny nose is dry now, but Floppy, who has been on themeds longer, still has a wet nose. There is no discharge, but I'mconcerned. How long does an infection take to clear up? She's been onthe meds for a week. I've been reading up on respiratory infections andit seems sometimes rabbits never recover from them? The vet didn't saythey have infections caused by pasteurella, and there is no coloreddischarge out of the nose or eyes. They are both very active in the"bunny 500" and they have healthy appetites. How can I know if Floppy'snose will ever dry up? Has anyone had an experience like this?
Hi and welcome to the forum,

Good for you for rescuing two beautiful bunnies :D.

There are people on here who've had problems with both pasteurella andallergies. Pasteurella, as you probably know, is incurable but canoften be kept under control with antibiotics, there's a few really goodthreads on here about it.

Sometimes constantly running noses can be allergies to dust, hay orsimilar. If you type snuffles, pasteurella and allergies(notnecessarily all at once :))into the search box at the top ofthe page I'm guessing you'll get the links to both pasteurella andallergies threads.

I think the only way to be sure it isn't pasteurella is to do specialtests for it. I'm sorry I don't have any first hand experience to helpbut hopefully someone will answer who's more knowledgeable.

The very best of luck with both of your little beauties

Thanks for the quick reply. The vet said Floppydefinately has an infection. I never considered she may have aninfection and allergies.
Mine can't have any alfalfa hay. Hesneezed all the time when I gave it to him as a baby. I alsohave to sift the pellets when they get to the bottom of the bag andhave lots of dust.

I hope it all clears up. They are adorable :)
Ronnelle wrote:
The vet didn't say they have infections caused bypasteurella, and there is no colored discharge out of the nose or eyes.They are both very active in the "bunny 500" and they have healthyappetites. How can I know if Floppy's nose will ever dry up? Has anyonehad an experience like this?
Did the vet do a culture for pasteurella? What color is the discharge from the nose? How are Floppy's ears?
He could have an infection from an allergy. My Fen scratches when his nose runs until it gets raw....

I thought it was pasteurella too until I noticed it seemed to be linkedto the weather and bedding and other things. Plus, neither his sisternor any of the others ever got it.

The discharge is clear and there doesn't seem to be any blockage of hernasal passage. Her eyes are fine, as well. The vet said their ears arehealthy - no mites or anything. He did not do a test for pasteurella.

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