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Hello! My husband and I adopted two buns (Floppyand Butterscotch) about a month ago (their picture is in theattachment). They both have upper respiratory infections and arecurrently on antibiotics (a bunny friendly version, of course). Well,Butterscotch's runny nose is dry now, but Floppy, who has been on themeds longer, still has a wet nose. There is no discharge, but I'mconcerned. How long does an infection take to clear up? She's been onthe meds for a week. I've been reading up on respiratory infections andit seems sometimes rabbits never recover from them? The vet didn't saythey have infections caused by pasteurella, and there is no coloreddischarge out of the nose or eyes. They are both very active in the"bunny 500" and they have healthy appetites. How can I know if Floppy'snose will ever dry up? Has anyone had an experience like this?