New medication- need to moan about it...

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Well-Known Member
Dec 3, 2007
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Bristol, , United Kingdom
So, as most of you know, I have migraine-associated-vertigo- at least, that's what my specialist thinks I have- and since he is the only doctor I've seen in the whole 2.5yrs I've been suffering with it that has even believed me, let alone had a diagnosis, I'm going with his opinion, LOL!

Anyway, I've been on the anti-trigger diet since the end of June- apart from a couple of days of supreme diet FAIL over the wedding (ate cheese, drank caffiene and dairy, but no super-dizziness as a result), without much success.

When I went back to see my Dr in Kent at the beginning of September, he told me to keep going with the diet- that he didn't expect me to be any better yet in such a short time, and he put me on medication. I'm on Nortriptyline. It's generally used as an anti-depressant in higher doses, but is also used in lower doses to treat migraines as well- I'm on a lower dose.

Here's the thing. I have been taking it since Wednesday (didn't start before the wedding in case of an adverse effect ruining the big day), and I have to take it at night, just before bed. Every morning since, I have taken about 2-3 hours to even be able to get out of bed. I wake up feeling like I've been hit over the head with a plank of wood, and passed out for days. I feel so zombie-like during the day, like I never fully wake up. It's not made my dizziness any worse exactly, but made me feel worse, because I don't feel fully there, at all.

I'm on 10mg a day at the moment, but I have to increase it to 20mg after 2 weeks, then 30mg after another 2 weeks, so on and so on. I can't imagine how a higher dose would make me feel, given this is a low dose and I'm feeling so.... zombified?

I'm not due to go back and see him til January. I wonder if it's just the first few days and I should give the meds a bit more of a chance to work, or what. I'm seeing my general practicioner on Tues and will mention it then, but I'm also afraid of him telling me to stop it without giving it chance to work...

Just wanted to rant about it really- not sure why! I knew it would get worse before it would get better though.... :(
When I went on Paxil a few years ago - I wasa zombie for about 6 weeks....slept so much.

Then one day - it was like I woke up and my energy had returned and I was fine (well - better because the Paxil was WORKING so I was no longera happy zombie...but just happy).

Same thing when I went on Celexa...lots of sleeping...but once I started to really wake up (I guess I really NEEDED the rest too)...I did fine.

I'd say give it longer and see if it helps. I bet it will!
hello mrs! in the past i've taken seroxat and prozac - depression medication - and have had a similar reaction to the one peg tells of. i also did a slow increase and a slow decrease. i've had a look at my diaries for that period and the zombie state goes on for about a month. i didnt drive during that time for obvious reasons! at one point i mention being hungover tho not a drop had passed my lips. my normally neat handwriting is a mess too:p

perhaps your medication is one that takes time to work? i would not be afraid to mention it to my gp - i would ask how long before the medication takes effect. he should be clued up medication - or be able to check.

i do notice that your dizziness isnt any worse - a good thing!

take care x
I"m taking a similar drug Amitriptyline to try and treat my headaches too. I started a few months ago and the first few weeks I remember being super tired too. It takes a few weeks for your body to adjust. Keep at it and if after a few week to a month you are still feeling like that then tell your doctor.
I take sumatriptan for my migranes and it works great, especially when nothing else works. Though I don't experiance vertigo like symptoms so, I don't know if the treatment would be exactly the same as, these are for the pain so, I don't know if they'd be of any use to you.
Hope you are feeling more yourself soon.
Thanks guys :)

Valerie, I tried Amitriptyline for it about 18 months ago- I don't really recall what it did as I was recovering from myback op and on tons of heavy painkillers at the time, but I definitely don't remember feeling this groggy.

I'm thinking that Peg is right, and it is too soon to be deciding either way what they're doing- I should give it some more time for me to adjust to them and see how I feel in a week or two. I guess maybe like strong painkillers that knock you out at first, and then you get used to the dosage after a while, it might take me time to get used to it in my system. I have noticed that I'm having really bad dreams though- for the past few nights, and I woke up last night at about 4.30am after a really vivid bad dream.

I'm feeling yucky today, so I'm lying on the bed, watching The Hills on my laptop, with Dotty lol. She has been snuggled up next to me on and off all day :)
Yeah, when I said 'with Dotty', that wasn't entirely accurate I guess. She comes up for cuddles, but then runs away when I put it on, lol! She'll sit and watch me on Facebook or RO though :p
Did your specialist say the drugs would have such a difficult start? Some doctors will warn you, some will spare you the possible side effects until you experience and inquire. It would be good to find out if your particular med has a groggy side effect so extreme.

I have migraines too though not vertigo often. I take an acetaminophen derived drug but it's a "controlled" substance so I'm guessing something in it is some good stuff. I usually take an excedrin migraine OTC. When that doesn't work I take the good stuff. I've tried imitrex, it didn't work for me and in fact made it somewhat worse by putting me into a dazed, kinda dumb mood... But not groggy.
I'd call the doc and explain. A lot of antidepressant drugs have side effects that you can't really predict whether they'll happen or not, and some go away, some don't. I had a terrible reaction to Prozac--made me unable to sleep. I told my doc, and we switched immediately. It may be normal for this drug, it may not be.

I also wonder if the reason some people who've taken it for depression say it made them feel like a zombie is because they were not yet recovering from the depression? Depression frequently slows down everything--thought processes, metabolism, etc etc--making you feel like a zombie.It can take weeks for an antidepressant drug to make these feelings of slowness go away.

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