New Kitten

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Well-Known Member
May 29, 2008
Reaction score
Dallas-ish, Texas, USA
Okay here is the story...
I was at the feed store buying rabbit food for the buns when something caught my eye. FREE KITTENS. I convinced my mom to let me see them. I fell in love with a female siamese. I already have a neutered siamese. I know that now animals are actually free. But my grandmother has offered to pay for the spay. I have some money for the shots and stuff. The problem is I can't convince my dad that I need her. He doesn't really like animals and I have convinced him over the years for the pets that I have. (a cat, a dog, fish and of course the bunnies) But he says he can't put up with another one. I keep seeing the cats face and then I have a wierd feeling that someone is going to take her and not take care of her properly. I wanted to get cat from the rescue but it feels like I would be rescuing her. If only my dad would understand. My stomach just drops when I think about her because I am afraid that her owners (if I don't get her) will do something terrible or that she will be an outdoor cat and be hit by a car. I don't know maybe it is just like an impusle buy but I have been looking for another cat for awhile.... Well I was wonder what other people think.
If you plan on getting her spayed I'd say go for getting a "free" kitten. Being of siamese persuasion someone may get her for breeding intent first in mind.

However -

Sure, it's a sort of "rescue" but if now isn't the time for you to definately get a kitten, once everyone agrees - maybe find a small place to adopt from that has no choice but to euthanize due to overcrowding.

Many people say adopting from a shelter saves a life but I disagree. It saves two - the one you bring home and the one who can take cage space - the one who would have otherwise been euthanized due to lack of space in the facility.

Believe me, I know... first hand.

Adopting from a shelter is just a gift that keeps on giving by opening space for those that may not have had a chance to begin with, but then again - taking THAT kitten home (from the feed store that you saw) will make a difference in her life as well.

I'd just weigh the options of what you can and want to offer - and what seems right with the timing at hand.