new kits!!!!!

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Well-Known Member
Jun 27, 2004
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bexhill on sea, , United Kingdom
went out this morning to feed the rabbits andfound babys, so i immediatelt removed smokey and have left snowy withher babies. she isnt sitting with them tho is this normal??
Congratulations!!!!! Were they in a nest box? are they safe from crawling or falling out of the cage?

Rabbits only feed 1 or 2 times a day. The mother stays awayfrom the nest in the wild to prevent predatory animals from finding thekits.

Do you know how many? Got a camera ready? :D
Hi Rezbeck, I never saw Daisy nurse with eitherof my litters, I was told it was because they normally do it at dawn.Just make sure that they have nice little plump bellies and are warm.Check that their skin isn't shriveled looking.

I was told after I had my first lot that she maybe pregnant again as Ididnt know she was pregnant in the first place (Buster was a girlapparently) andhe got to her before I could, so you mayexpect another set in another 31 days if they were together when youfound the kits. Mark it on your calender so you can look out for signs!

As asked before have they got a nest box and has she even made a nest?I know a few first litters that have died due to aninexperienceddoe not making a nest, so just keep a closewatch on them as I was really lucky, she nursed straight away.

Oh this is so exciting!!!! Congratulations, I just love babies bunniesand really enjoyed my time with them when Daisy had them. They willgive you lovely memories to look back on and cherish! ENJOY :dude:


P.s Don't be a stranger - I want stories and pics :D!!!
well she hasnt got a nest box but she hasmade a nest with her fur, it is quite deep and it is in themore sheltered area of her hutch. as for making sure thatbabies are alright my hubby has checked them but i am wary of doingthis as she might abandon them wont she, and i am not supposed to touchthem either am i??please answer as i have never had to deal with thisbefore. thanks!!!
No Rezbeck that is what I thought. She wontabandon them as she knows your scent. You need to check them over anddon't be worried about it. Check each one out because as they will beall snugled in the nest so you need to see if they are all alive and ifthey are all getting fed.

You can touch them, and pick them up, just pet her first.

Also, be sure there is something to keep them from going through holesin the cage. They are so tiny they could slip through orwiggle through the cage wires, etc. They will move about thecage in short time so you want to keep them out of those areas.

I'm sure some of the breeders here can give you better advice as to what to do now that she's already had the kits.
my hubby looked at them this morningand he thinks there are 6 of them, i will make sure they have plumpbellies, are warm and are not shrivelled looking, thanks for all thehelp you guys, it worries me that because she is so young that she wontknow what to do with them and i so want them to survive. wonder whatcolour they will be. mum is white and dad is grey

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