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Iwould Like to introduce :

Black Star(Blackie )and Starla :

Black Star: is a 6 week oldMini Lop , born Blind due to agentic mixup .
Starla: is a 9 week old Netherland Dwarf,

Starla is Blackies eyes andhelper , she makes sure Blackiegets to the food dishand to the waterbottle, Its such an odd sight tosee Starla actually nudging Blackie overto find the water , If anyonehad told me thesnotty Nethi's would everdo something so endearingas Starla is doingfor Blackie I would have foundit a bit hard to phathom.But after watchingthese 2 for the past week ,If someone told me a Nethicould make the moon into bluecheese i would have to believe it at this point .

When Starla came tome I wastold she isnt good withchildren and was abit growly and tempermental . notto mention she has teeth like achain saw ,. I have yet to experience any of this, even before I put herin with Blackie I found herto be sweet and cuddly ( Nethicuddly ? seems like a oxymoronto me lol )

Here they both are in all their beautiful glory !

together !


Starla ( BEW)


Black Star ( aka blackie )


They are absolutely the cutest littlecouple I have ever seen. Starla is so sweet. Poor Blackie. At least sheis in your hands so no worries. Congrats on the babies.

Amy Between Cassiand Starla little missyBlackie has no worriedlol if te Nethi isnt motheringher Cassi is porrlittle lop doent even realizeshe has feet most days lol .Cassi is always luggin herror sitting with her on thecouch and Miss Starla gets abit put out then Cassigoes over and grabs her outtoo lol Porr Kittens dontknow what to think !lol. Kittens come over to check outthe baby and starlastands her ground and wont letthem near Blackie . Its sofunny to watch.
I know where youare coming from Neutree ,people sometimes dontunderstand how smart loveing andnurturing a rabbit can be, Its a shame more peoplecant see it .
I like how both bunnies take turns helping Blackie around "**

LMBO Cassi is my 8 yrold lol tho I am sure she willtake that as she isthe bunny mommy lol . Sheis so truely in love withthat baby its heartwarming ,heck she cant even doher home work without the baby on thetable , :shock:and now thats theres 2baby bunnies iin the house wellyou see my delema ofbabies on the table lol.
gypsy wrote:
I like how both bunnies take turns helping Blackie around "**

LMBO Cassi is my 8 yrold lol tho I am sure shewill take that as she isthe bunny mommy lol . Sheis so truely in love withthat baby its heartwarming ,heck she cant even doher home work without the baby on thetable , :shock:and now thats theres 2baby bunnies iin the house wellyou see my delema ofbabies on the table lol.
Oh I'm so sorry! LOL :embarrassed:I was gonna ask how a rabbit can lug another rabbit around, but didn't.

I'm guessing if your worried about the bunnieson the table during homework time Cassi would give up the homework.. :D:D I know my 10 yo sure would!
Pet Bunny whatsreally odd is I hadnamed The Black one a weekbefore the Girl I got theBEW from named hers , lolkinda ironic we wouldrun on the same lines for names, Blackies Registry nameis Black Star and TheBEW registry name isStarla lol . ,

I am still trying to find thegrumpy baby She was proportedto be , I was hholding Starlaearlier and i wasgetting baby bunny nose kisses lol !

PGG: LIke that kid needsanother reason NOT to dohomework lol she alreadyuses tending the babies as anexcuse lol lil stinker , I keepthreatening her if she doesntdo her homeowrk she cant goto hte boat house party! thatgets it done lol .

Jen : I have seenjust One Doe grab ababy and drag it along whereit needs to be lolsome Does are a bit quirky ,others could care less .

just a side note sofar 3 people I have shownpictures of Black Star andStarla too have offered to givethem a new home , ya uhhuh like thats happening !!!!:nonono:
Thanks Everyone ,whats going to crack me up themost is the Fact that Starla will not grow much over2 pounds lolland Blackie is going over5pounds at some point lol.

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