Black Star(Blackie )and Starla :
Black Star: is a 6 week oldMini Lop , born Blind due to agentic mixup .
Starla: is a 9 week old Netherland Dwarf,
Starla is Blackies eyes andhelper , she makes sure Blackiegets to the food dishand to the waterbottle, Its such an odd sight tosee Starla actually nudging Blackie overto find the water , If anyonehad told me thesnotty Nethi's would everdo something so endearingas Starla is doingfor Blackie I would have foundit a bit hard to phathom.But after watchingthese 2 for the past week ,If someone told me a Nethicould make the moon into bluecheese i would have to believe it at this point .
When Starla came tome I wastold she isnt good withchildren and was abit growly and tempermental . notto mention she has teeth like achain saw ,. I have yet to experience any of this, even before I put herin with Blackie I found herto be sweet and cuddly ( Nethicuddly ? seems like a oxymoronto me lol )
Here they both are in all their beautiful glory !
together !
Starla ( BEW)
Black Star ( aka blackie )