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Active Member
Apr 21, 2005
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Edmonton, Alberta, Canada
Hi my name is Connor, I'm kinda new to theseforums. Actually I am new to these forums. I have a 5 month old hollandlop, and I was glad to find some forums to chat about my rabbit on. Hisname is Aoife, its a girls name. I thought he was a girl but in facthis testicles dropped late. Didnt feel right changing his name. Its myfirst pet ever and the experience has been rewarding.
Welcome! Glad to hear that you arehaving a great time with your new rabbit! I'm sure he doesn'tmind about his name..hehe! Are you going to get himneutered? I have a 5 months old rabbit too..he is a standardrex named Cosmo, he just got neutered on tuesday!

i dont have the money. the first money i get willbe spent on a larger cage. I have to basically take him out of his cagein the morning and put him back in the evening. I live in my parentsbasement so its not a problem. he is well behaved and I have the place"rabbit proofed." I feel bad leaving him in his cage all day
Hey Connor! I also have Holland Lops, actually I have 8 right now :D 5 Babies and 3 Adults :)

My Flemish Giant also has a girls name, its Nimue (nim-a-way). It means"Lady of the lake", I didnt feel right changing his name either :D

He weighs 22lbs now :D


Hope ya stick around!

Welcome to the forum Connor,

Where did you get Aoife from?

There are some threads that have cages where people here have made forvery little money. You could try the local animalshelter as they sell used cages. Sometimes they have bigcages there.

Be sure to check out the Cheat Sheet for Rabbit Care.....

Rainbows! :)

ive been told my holland lop will top out around4-4.5 pounds. I just finished reading your whole thread. what anexperience. I had no idea they were born so small, but then i nevercould understand how a tiny doe could carry five rabbits inside it makes sense. yeah my rabbit has quite the personality. i hope hedoesnt mind that he was my test pet. i had to learn how to take care ofa pet for the first time with him. and i bought him on a whim too. notalways the best idea but it seems to have worked out in this case. ittook him 3 months to litter train. it was worth it. makes it so mucheasier.
Ya I was amazed too that she had so manybabies! And trust me they are quite a handfull! :D We are going to bekeeping two, and the rest are already sold :( I will be sad to see themleave, but hey I still have 5 more weeks :D

i can imagine they are quite a handful. my onerabbit can be hard to take care of. he chews on wires and baseboards.ive gotten him to not chew on the wires as much. when he is not chewingon wires or baseboards he is hiding under my couch or bed. he likes tosocialize in the evenings. he likes to lick my nose and wont stop.
Hey,I also have a Holland Lop, not quite sure how old she is about 3 monthsor somewear real close to that.Her name is Fayth but on the fourm sheis known as FayNay. I also have a 7month old Mini-Lop,her name isThumper or aka Thumps.I have noticed that Holland lops are very hyperand entergetic! thumper is laid back but FayNay is always on the go,running,binking,chasing birds lol,getting into everything!! Whenthumper would rather be besides me but she has her hyper days too!Ihope you enjoy it here as much as i do.

mines like that too. ill be watching tv in thebasement and he will for no reason dart from one corner to the otherfar end as if he is scared. he will stand still for a few secs then goabout his business and 60 secs later he will make a fast dart again.its the weirdest thing.
Ya Holland lops are crazybut what the heck i love mine to death. MiniLops will always be my 1stchoice for anyone who has never had a bunnies out of Hollands andminilops for one reason LOL hollands are HYPER and very fast runners!!

Yathats true but my problem isnt inside Lol.I have a BIG backyard andback there we have a shed(they can get underneath)and a above groundpool Lol and a swingset and a trampline.I put them on the deck rightafter my glass door and i sit down and thumps stays next to meSOMEtimes Lol.Faynay runs under the trampoline and when i turn my headshe is gone and i gotta go chase her lol and its funny sometime butusally when faynay runs thumper chases her so i gotta go grab them sothey dont go in the front yard and i let them run as far as they can gosince my yard is fenced in but still i wanna stay close incase any stayanimals are on the lurk

mines pretty good in the backyard. i too worryabout cats which is why i dont leave him unattended. i did for an houronce before it occured to me about cats. im not worried about himescaping cause my yard is fenced, but now i always supervise him in theback.
Yepme too. when im not watching them my mom or one of my brothers is.Theykeep me going though i dont kno what i would do with out them girls.Imonly 17 and there my best friends not including the human oneslol
yeah i got my rabbit cause i was living in anapartment at the time by myself and it was really lonely. im back withmy 'rents now but i got him for company. best decision ever.and nowthat i am back home my parents have fallen in love with him and itsfunny cause they would never let me get a pet as a kid.
i bought my rabbit and his cage and all the stuffwith the chirstmas money my grandpa sent me. when i told my parentsthey didnt approve but i was living in my apartment so they couldnt doanything about it. then when my landlord starting being a dork and ihad to move home my parents got stuck with him.