Well-Known Member
I am new here, and new to bunny ownership. I have a lot of questions, but I'm posting those in the general area since I'm not sure where else to put them. Anyway, here is my new bunny. He is a mini lop (I believe) and I think I figured his color to be black tort. He's about a year old, and neutered, and came from a house where a 3 yr old threw him down the stairs multiple times. The owners are clients at the vet hospital I work at, and my coworkers convinced me to take him (even though I have an almost 3 yr old human little girl). My child is better accquainted with how to properly handle animals though (except for the cats, she knows I won't let her handle anything unless she is sitting on the floor). His name is Mister, but I want to change that and thought about Orion. Here are a couple pictures of him.