New here: newly adopted bunny.

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My wife and I have just adopted a bunny that wasused for easter photos this past week. Apparently one of the otherbunnies injured this one. It looks like her lower eyelid istorn. We have a vet appointment scheduled for Wednesday (thesoonest we could get.)I am not sure if this is a buck or a dam, but Icall it a her. I am totally brand new to rabbits, but I amreading books and surfing the net like a madman.Here is herphoto:
Keep herin your thoughts!Dave Harms
Thank you, her ears are what attracted us toher!Has anyone out there seen an injury like this before? Is ithealable? I feel so sorry for her. We are keeping her eye clean,but we were told not to use antibiotics like neosporin, because itmesses up their digestive system and kills them. I sure hope the vetcan help her.
Thanks Pet Bunny, I've got my wife callingDr. Burke first thing in the morning and if they can squeeze me in I'llleave work early to bring her in.
Must be something wierd with mac safari browser,I can't get my text on the boards into different paragraphs at all!Thisshould be a seperate paragraph....
wax32 wrote:
Thank you, her ears are what attracted us toher!Has anyone out there seen an injury like this before? Isit healable? I feel so sorry for her. We are keeping her eyeclean, but we were told not to use antibiotics like neosporin, becauseit messes up their digestive system and kills them. I sure hope the vetcan help her.
Some vets do not recommend neosporin andIwouldn't use it so close to the eye. We found anabandoned pair of rabbits last year. One had a similar teararound the eye and gash on the head. The vet prescribedBaytril oral antibiotic for 14 days and a eye drop. Can'tremember if the eye had cortisone or not. Presley healed justfine.
An update on the vet: I got squeezed in thisafternon at 3:30pm I'll hopefully have good news later after wecome back from the visit.
Hey and welcome!:wave:

She is cute, poor baby, I hope she is ok! Praying for her!:pray:

Michaela:), Ebony:bunny5 and Pebble:anotherbun
When you're at the Vets,have them check for any other bite marks orcuts on your bunny. If she hada fight, there might be other injuries.

Also have the Vet check herteeth, ears, and any other injuries tothe eye. Have them show you howto cut their nails,andsee how they takeher temperature. If you don'tunderstand anything, just ask.

And they should be able to determine thesex of the bunny. You could talk to them about afuture neuter/spay, while you are there.

Rainbows! :)
Thanks, I will do that. I just noticed sheseems to have a scab on her neck opposite the side with the woundedeyelid, I felt it when I was rubbing her.

I did plan to ask about her sex and when it would be time to have herfixed. I read in the "dummies" rabbit book about how to holdthe bunny for clipping nails... we clip our cats' nails all the time,shouldn't be too different I hope!

Pet_Bunny wrote:
When you're atthe Vets, have them check for any other bitemarks or cuts on your bunny. Ifshe had a fight, there might be otherinjuries.

Also have the Vet check herteeth, ears, and any other injuries tothe eye. Have them show you howto cut their nails,andsee how they takeher temperature. If you don'tunderstand anything, just ask.

And they should be able to determine thesex of the bunny. You could talk to them about afuture neuter/spay, while you are there.

Rainbows! :)
I must say, great job taking this girl in and getting her the treatment she needs.


I'm sure she'll be fine with some preventative antibiotics.

Also about the site, it only works 100% properly with internet explorer, unfortunately.
Lovely bun :) I hope her eye heals soon, the poor thing!!

BTW I use Firefox (but on PC with Windows) and have never had any problems with this forum...


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