New Guinea Pig Cage

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Well-Known Member
Oct 14, 2008
Reaction score
Clare, , Ireland
My Dad built me a new cage from scratch for my three piggies, I wanted something that wouldn't look so ''cagey'' and more like a piece of furniture in my room. We looked at a few pictures online of what people had built and then came up with our own design and ended up with this:


I LOVE it!!

Just wanted to share, I'm really excited :D
Thanks guys :)
They are still a bit scared, and kind of sniffing around. They haven't tried the ramps yet. I put lettuce on top of them to try and coax them up haha!
That is one amazing piggie-condo (I wouldn't even call it a cage!!) Could I order two for my boys?!!! You have one awesome Dad!

Something that might work for your piggies is to put them at the top of the ramp and show them how to go down, or vice versa. I had to do that with my boys. They are so smart, that within two or three times of showing them that really nummy hay was on the top shelf, they were running the ramps like professionals.

Keep us posted on how your little fweepers enjoy their new digs. :biggrin2:


mistyjr wrote:
Very Nice!!! But how do you get in the cage?? I dont see

There is a plastic called perspex on the front of the cage, I made it just high enough so I can get my hand in to feed them and stuff, and then if I want to take them out or clean the cage, the perspex slides out.
I love it! I love that it doesn't look like a cage and the piggies have a good view out, without bars. And they can go up high and see people from there, instead of from the ground!

They'll soon learn to use the ramps. My baby pigs are in the rabbits cage right now (cos he is in their big run for some exercise, they have to take turns in it for now!) and they're going up and down the ramp like mad :D
Thanks all!
It's great, the guinea pigs are getting used to the ramps now too.

ETA: The cage is worth about €250-€300 ($332.37-398.91) but we built it for €80 ($106.36) :)

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