new female possibly pregnant

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Active Member
Mar 8, 2005
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Saratoga, New York, USA

I am new to this forum. I am so glad that I found it, as I have a few questions....

I bought, a very cute, all black doe, mini loplast week(thurs. mar 3). After I brought her home, I noticed she wasreally fat- seriously plump. She is not wanting to be handled(can pet her, but that is it). When she is let out to play,she just flops down, sprawled out. She will try to play, butit's like she just can't take another step. She seems to bebreathing a bit heavily. I have tried to palpate her belly,and I think I feel little marble like objects- but I don't know thedifference between an organ and a baby. While feeling her, Idid feel little nipples along her belly. Is that anindication of pregnancy? I bought her on the 3rd, so if sheis pregnant, I have no idea when to expect her to kindle thebabes.

What should I do? Are these all signs of pregnancy? Also,this might sound ridiculous- but, does the urine have a different smellin pregnant does?

Any help that anyone can give me would begreatlyappreciated. I want to make sure thatI do everything right for my new bun, so that she is comfortable andhealthy.

Thanks in advance.


Can you contact the people you got her from tofind out if she is possibly pregnant? If you feel marbles in her tummythat could very well be an indication that she is going to kindle. Asfor the nipples, all buns have them and it really isn't a goodindication of pregnancy as the milk does not let-down untill after thekits are born.

If I were you I would put a nest box in with her just to be on the safeside. Is she indoors with you? Most does will pull fur and make a nestjust prior to delivery so having a nestbox in there before hand isimportant.

I would attempt to contact the people you got her from, find out if shehas ever had a litter before and ask if it was successful or not.

Good luck and welcome to the forum!

Fergi's mom
luvbuns wrote:

I am new to this forum. I am so glad that I found it, as I have a few questions....

I bought, a very cute, all black doe, mini loplast week(thurs. mar 3). After I brought her home, I noticed she wasreally fat- seriously plump. She is not wanting to be handled(can pet her, but that is it). When she is let out to play,she just flops down, sprawled out. She will try to play, butit's like she just can't take another step. She seems to bebreathing a bit heavily. I have tried to palpate her belly,and I think I feel little marble like objects- but I don't know thedifference between an organ and a baby. While feeling her, Idid feel little nipples along her belly. Is that anindication of pregnancy? I bought her on the 3rd, so if sheis pregnant, I have no idea when to expect her to kindle thebabes.

What should I do? Are these all signs of pregnancy? Also,this might sound ridiculous- but, does the urine have a different smellin pregnant does?

Any help that anyone can give me would begreatlyappreciated. I want to make sure thatI do everything right for my new bun, so that she is comfortable andhealthy.

Thanks in advance.


She sure could be. Give her a nest box filled with hay just in case. Oractually, put some hay in the box and some in the cage area, and watchher make a nest with it. The combination of nesting with the aboveindications will give you a pretty good indication of whether or notshe's pregnant. All does have nipples, but some become swollen duringpregnancy.

My doe was panting, the size and shape of a basketball, and wouldn'tstand for more than 30 sec. She gave birth to 9 a week later.:D

She could just be chubby too!

Don't know too much about pregnancy, but if sheisn't pregnant, she could be sick. Signs of lethargy couldlead to many illnesses...possibly take her to a vet?? The vetcould tell if she's pregnant or not...

Oh, and welcome to theforum!!

Wow! Thanks for the immediate responses!

This is what I put in her cage last night- let me know if it issufficient or if I need to make changes. She is anindoor bunny. On one end of her cage I put a giant 'igloo'upside down with a piece of wood over the top (she loves to stretch outon the board and chew it). Inside of the igloo I put woodshavings, some carefressh bedding, and a large cluster ofhay. She hasn't gone into theigloo. She went in it once, moved some stuff aroundand left it alone.

She is shaped kind of like Grimace (the McDonald's character):). She is very heavy toward her mid section anddown. She can barely lift her back end.

If what I'm feeling are, indeed, the kits, than how long (approx.)would you guess before she has them (1 week, 2 weeks, no idea:)).

I don't think I was this anxious with my own pregnancies....:?

Thanks again!

Well,a rabbits gestation period isaround 31 days, but you don't really know how long she may have beenpregnant it could be hard to tell...I agree with Fergi that youshould call the people you got her from...where did you get her from?

You sound like a very responsible bunny owner. It sounds likeyou are doing every thing you can to make the best of this situation,even though you didn't ask for it!

I'm sorry I can't offer any advice as both of my girls are spayed.

I wish you the best of luck. Keep doing your research and I'm sure you'll be fine.


I bought Mindy from a local, privately owned petstore. I know that's frownedupon by some,but I justcouldn't resist her little face. I knowthey get their bunniesfrom someone that breeds locally(theyusually only have mini lops).I keepfish (fresh and marine) and get my supplies there, and know them fairlywell; so I have trust inhow they run theirbusiness. Unfortunately, I don't know anythingbeyond that, regarding where she came from.
You sound like a very responsible bunny owner.
If you were to ask my husband and children, they'd probablytell you the bunny gets more attention than they do.:D

Thanks again, to all that replied. I will keep you 'posted';)on what happens. I'm sure I'll be asking morequestions too. Thanks again!

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