Well-Known Member
Subject: [PghDogs] FW: ...pls read (long read) & give to your vets
***Crossposting Requested***In a message dated 9/16/2007 12:10:26 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [email protected] writesrint this Out and keep this is important and also go to links. Ok I gotthis one yesterday and thought that it was IMPORTANT to get this out to asmany of you as possible. Early detection is a good thing. Here are someanswers to the latest outbreak of what's being called a flu like illness inDogs.ANYONE who owns a dog or does rescue, I urge you to PLEASE read thefollowing. I found more info about the doggy 'flu' on my corgi list. I praythat no one on this list has had to deal with this on a first hand basis.This "flu" was rampant last April after the Burmese National & hit entirekennels from the East to the West coast. The name of this infection is"Campylobacteriosis." Definition: Campylobacteriosis: acute diarrhea inpuppies runs course in seven to ten days ***can cause a severe enteritis inhuman-s. There is a webpage with information SHOW CRUD For more on thisdisease [url]http://www.mednets.[/url]com/campylobacteriosis.htm It's a bacterialimbalance in the digestive tract. Will sometimes test low positive forParvovirus. It is BACTERIAL. It is NOT a new form of Parvo. Mode ofinfection: widely varied, but mostly from contact with urine, feces,something brought in on shoes, etc. Symptoms start 12- 48hrs after initialcontact (usually) & spread to other dogs rapidly. Dogs are alert, hungry,energetic. Normal feces starts with mucus sheath & continues to getprogressively softer until it is watery & contains blood. It then becomesexplosive. Vomiting may accompany & may or may not also contain blood. Feceshave a sweet/flowery aroma along with a "slaughterhouse on a summer day"smell (similar to Parvo diarrhea but with a floral hint). Feces are*usually* mustard colored. Dogs dehydrate at an astounding rate. Dogs arealso at risk of intussusceptions.What is happening is that there is a bacterial growth in the digestive tractwhich throws it off balance. The body is trying to counteract this byremoving the extra (or offending) bacteria. It seems to do this by trying toremove ALL body fluids as quickly as possible. Death is caused by massivedehydration. This can occur as quickly as 12hrs or continue for a few days.The younger the dog, the worse it is. Some dogs may never get it, eventhough they may be kenneled with an afflicted dog. Some dogs also get overthis without treatment. The key is to treat this as fast as possible beforethe dogs go anorexic AND to treat ALL dogs on the premises (non-afflicteddogs should get ONE capsule). Treatment is 250 mg Cephalexin per 25lbs ofbody weight. Pups may get Ceph-drops. This MUST be given orally NOT I/V - itMUST go thru the digestive tract (I don't know WHY it works this way, but itdoes). If the dog vomits the pill up, just give it again until it staysdown. Give another dose approx. 12hrs later. If the dog returns to normal DONOT medicate again.It's important NOT to run a full 10 day course of this drug as it has (inthe past) caused the bacterial balance to go the other way. If needed, givemedication for 2 more days, or whenever symptoms reoccur. If the dogs aremassively dehydrated, DO NOT use an IV drip. Their circulatory system willbe very depressed & *if* a vein can be found, it may not be able to supportan IV. Lactated Ringers Solution SUB-Q is suggested & forcing electrolytesorally. IV rehydration HAS thrown animals into deep shock (see above). Slowrehydration. Slow slow slow. Just enough to keep them alive until the *bug*is nipped in the bud. After the diarrhea has stopped, you can cram the dogas full of fluids as you want, just not when it is at its most fragilepoint.Anorexic dogs have to be tempted to eat again. Rare, bloody, slightlygarlicky & slightly salty beef has worked the best in the past forgettingthe appetites working. Start small. You may have to give anorexic dogsNutri-Cal to get them going again. But after they are cured they *will*begin to eat again. Do NOT automatically assume Parvo when you see this.Parvo treatments have killed the majority of Crud dogs. If you suspectParvo, try the Cephalexin 1st, if it doesn't work, THEN assume Parvo. Do NOTuse Amoxicillin. Keflex has worked in the past. Dogs should show improvementwithin hours of treatment.In Ruff Life Rescue we have had 9 pups go down with this in hours in ONEWEEK. Sadly, we found the "cure" too late for one but all the others havebeen saved with this treatment. One is down this morning , treated w/ themethods below and now back up in her feet again by noon.We added Live Culture yogurt and glucose immed following the cephalexin andhas seen even faster improvement.It is important that the cephalexin hits the stomach and stays down! Ifcepha drops are not available,Opening a capsule and mixing w/ pedialyte,administering w/ a syringe to assure the meds enter the stomach beforevomiting starts again is critical if the dog does not keep the capsule downlong enough for the coating to dissolve.DO NOT USE ANY ANTI-DIARRHEAL DRUGS! The bacteria needs to come out,hydration via sq fluids is key. One the ceph is administered, it is more ofa "maintance" of hydration and glucose until they are back on their feetagain.The first symptoms are vomit that is clear and also yellow, diarrhea thatturns from a soft yellow to a pale pink, then bloody. Without treatment,pups die and stronger pups or dogs will follow the "stomach illness" side ofthis w/ a cough that resembles kennel cough, yet is resistant to traditionaltreatments.Thick mucous in the eyes and sometimes nose and a generalizedachiness and stiffness in the joints. Also, The signs we are seeing is askin breakout resembeling mange around the eyes,ears and underarms which isresistant to traditional mange treatments and no mites are found on skinscrapes. A false positive for parvo on in house tests is possible! Parvotreatment kills pups with CRUD!Keeping them warm is critical , as they donot run a fever but have a sudden drop in body temp.This is transferable to humans, cats and birds/waterfowl!I don't claim to be a vet in anyway, but I do have alot of experience as atech and in rescue. Our vet is supporting the treatment above because itWORKS! Please spread the word, please urge your vet to be open minded andtry the ceph before automatically assuming parvo- maybe no more pups willdie when there is such a simple treament!!!Feel Free to contact me at president@ruffliferescue.org or 443-417-8648BrieannHealth Alert - Canine FluWhile seemingly innocuous to young adults and older - this virus is nowkilling young baby puppies. While I do not wish to mention the kennel -almost half of a litter was lost yesterday. One of the kennels dogs came upfrom California with the flu - gave it to the other kennel dogs - they hadabsolutely no contact with mom and the puppies - the virus was transmittedon the bottoms of shoes, momma dog got it and 3 out of 8 puppies were lostthis week. Autopsy said that the virus caused massive e-coli infection inthe puppy body cavities.Our vet recommends that absolutely no contact be made to new puppies at thistime, use bleach or parvisol on shoes and anything that will cause anoutside contact to the puppies. We are attempting to obtain stool samples toisolate this virus so that some defense can be mounted to it. Please be veryvery very careful for your puppies - this one is a very bad one and again -spreads like the flu. I've heard about this canine illness before. Alsoheard about it last week--it supposedly has been spreading all over WestCoast in particular. I didn't know that people could get it, too. We shouldall be very careful coming back into our homes from dog shows. Disinfectshoes, etc. Wash dogs paws and don't bring show equip into house (includingcrates--until they are disinfected). Maybe even isolate show dogs for l-2days till incubation period over. I know this sounds like a lot to do--I dothis most of the time anyway. But this illness is a real bummer and it'sprobably better to be safe rather than sorry with this one.Brieann : )www.ruff-life.petfinder.com800 Companion Animals are killed in shelters across the U.S. EVERY HOUR,because there are not enough homes for them.Don't Breed or Buy while Shelter Dogs Die,Adopt to Save A Life!See the high-kill shelters and rescue we support :[url]www.dogpoundky.com[/url][url]http://west.[/url]petfinder.com/shelters/KY251.html
***Crossposting Requested***In a message dated 9/16/2007 12:10:26 P.M. Eastern Daylight Time, [email protected] writesrint this Out and keep this is important and also go to links. Ok I gotthis one yesterday and thought that it was IMPORTANT to get this out to asmany of you as possible. Early detection is a good thing. Here are someanswers to the latest outbreak of what's being called a flu like illness inDogs.ANYONE who owns a dog or does rescue, I urge you to PLEASE read thefollowing. I found more info about the doggy 'flu' on my corgi list. I praythat no one on this list has had to deal with this on a first hand basis.This "flu" was rampant last April after the Burmese National & hit entirekennels from the East to the West coast. The name of this infection is"Campylobacteriosis." Definition: Campylobacteriosis: acute diarrhea inpuppies runs course in seven to ten days ***can cause a severe enteritis inhuman-s. There is a webpage with information SHOW CRUD For more on thisdisease [url]http://www.mednets.[/url]com/campylobacteriosis.htm It's a bacterialimbalance in the digestive tract. Will sometimes test low positive forParvovirus. It is BACTERIAL. It is NOT a new form of Parvo. Mode ofinfection: widely varied, but mostly from contact with urine, feces,something brought in on shoes, etc. Symptoms start 12- 48hrs after initialcontact (usually) & spread to other dogs rapidly. Dogs are alert, hungry,energetic. Normal feces starts with mucus sheath & continues to getprogressively softer until it is watery & contains blood. It then becomesexplosive. Vomiting may accompany & may or may not also contain blood. Feceshave a sweet/flowery aroma along with a "slaughterhouse on a summer day"smell (similar to Parvo diarrhea but with a floral hint). Feces are*usually* mustard colored. Dogs dehydrate at an astounding rate. Dogs arealso at risk of intussusceptions.What is happening is that there is a bacterial growth in the digestive tractwhich throws it off balance. The body is trying to counteract this byremoving the extra (or offending) bacteria. It seems to do this by trying toremove ALL body fluids as quickly as possible. Death is caused by massivedehydration. This can occur as quickly as 12hrs or continue for a few days.The younger the dog, the worse it is. Some dogs may never get it, eventhough they may be kenneled with an afflicted dog. Some dogs also get overthis without treatment. The key is to treat this as fast as possible beforethe dogs go anorexic AND to treat ALL dogs on the premises (non-afflicteddogs should get ONE capsule). Treatment is 250 mg Cephalexin per 25lbs ofbody weight. Pups may get Ceph-drops. This MUST be given orally NOT I/V - itMUST go thru the digestive tract (I don't know WHY it works this way, but itdoes). If the dog vomits the pill up, just give it again until it staysdown. Give another dose approx. 12hrs later. If the dog returns to normal DONOT medicate again.It's important NOT to run a full 10 day course of this drug as it has (inthe past) caused the bacterial balance to go the other way. If needed, givemedication for 2 more days, or whenever symptoms reoccur. If the dogs aremassively dehydrated, DO NOT use an IV drip. Their circulatory system willbe very depressed & *if* a vein can be found, it may not be able to supportan IV. Lactated Ringers Solution SUB-Q is suggested & forcing electrolytesorally. IV rehydration HAS thrown animals into deep shock (see above). Slowrehydration. Slow slow slow. Just enough to keep them alive until the *bug*is nipped in the bud. After the diarrhea has stopped, you can cram the dogas full of fluids as you want, just not when it is at its most fragilepoint.Anorexic dogs have to be tempted to eat again. Rare, bloody, slightlygarlicky & slightly salty beef has worked the best in the past forgettingthe appetites working. Start small. You may have to give anorexic dogsNutri-Cal to get them going again. But after they are cured they *will*begin to eat again. Do NOT automatically assume Parvo when you see this.Parvo treatments have killed the majority of Crud dogs. If you suspectParvo, try the Cephalexin 1st, if it doesn't work, THEN assume Parvo. Do NOTuse Amoxicillin. Keflex has worked in the past. Dogs should show improvementwithin hours of treatment.In Ruff Life Rescue we have had 9 pups go down with this in hours in ONEWEEK. Sadly, we found the "cure" too late for one but all the others havebeen saved with this treatment. One is down this morning , treated w/ themethods below and now back up in her feet again by noon.We added Live Culture yogurt and glucose immed following the cephalexin andhas seen even faster improvement.It is important that the cephalexin hits the stomach and stays down! Ifcepha drops are not available,Opening a capsule and mixing w/ pedialyte,administering w/ a syringe to assure the meds enter the stomach beforevomiting starts again is critical if the dog does not keep the capsule downlong enough for the coating to dissolve.DO NOT USE ANY ANTI-DIARRHEAL DRUGS! The bacteria needs to come out,hydration via sq fluids is key. One the ceph is administered, it is more ofa "maintance" of hydration and glucose until they are back on their feetagain.The first symptoms are vomit that is clear and also yellow, diarrhea thatturns from a soft yellow to a pale pink, then bloody. Without treatment,pups die and stronger pups or dogs will follow the "stomach illness" side ofthis w/ a cough that resembles kennel cough, yet is resistant to traditionaltreatments.Thick mucous in the eyes and sometimes nose and a generalizedachiness and stiffness in the joints. Also, The signs we are seeing is askin breakout resembeling mange around the eyes,ears and underarms which isresistant to traditional mange treatments and no mites are found on skinscrapes. A false positive for parvo on in house tests is possible! Parvotreatment kills pups with CRUD!Keeping them warm is critical , as they donot run a fever but have a sudden drop in body temp.This is transferable to humans, cats and birds/waterfowl!I don't claim to be a vet in anyway, but I do have alot of experience as atech and in rescue. Our vet is supporting the treatment above because itWORKS! Please spread the word, please urge your vet to be open minded andtry the ceph before automatically assuming parvo- maybe no more pups willdie when there is such a simple treament!!!Feel Free to contact me at president@ruffliferescue.org or 443-417-8648BrieannHealth Alert - Canine FluWhile seemingly innocuous to young adults and older - this virus is nowkilling young baby puppies. While I do not wish to mention the kennel -almost half of a litter was lost yesterday. One of the kennels dogs came upfrom California with the flu - gave it to the other kennel dogs - they hadabsolutely no contact with mom and the puppies - the virus was transmittedon the bottoms of shoes, momma dog got it and 3 out of 8 puppies were lostthis week. Autopsy said that the virus caused massive e-coli infection inthe puppy body cavities.Our vet recommends that absolutely no contact be made to new puppies at thistime, use bleach or parvisol on shoes and anything that will cause anoutside contact to the puppies. We are attempting to obtain stool samples toisolate this virus so that some defense can be mounted to it. Please be veryvery very careful for your puppies - this one is a very bad one and again -spreads like the flu. I've heard about this canine illness before. Alsoheard about it last week--it supposedly has been spreading all over WestCoast in particular. I didn't know that people could get it, too. We shouldall be very careful coming back into our homes from dog shows. Disinfectshoes, etc. Wash dogs paws and don't bring show equip into house (includingcrates--until they are disinfected). Maybe even isolate show dogs for l-2days till incubation period over. I know this sounds like a lot to do--I dothis most of the time anyway. But this illness is a real bummer and it'sprobably better to be safe rather than sorry with this one.Brieann : )www.ruff-life.petfinder.com800 Companion Animals are killed in shelters across the U.S. EVERY HOUR,because there are not enough homes for them.Don't Breed or Buy while Shelter Dogs Die,Adopt to Save A Life!See the high-kill shelters and rescue we support :[url]www.dogpoundky.com[/url][url]http://west.[/url]petfinder.com/shelters/KY251.html