New camera-Do most not use software that comes w/ camera?

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Well-Known Member
Sep 20, 2006
Reaction score
Blah~Central, Illinois, USA
Hi all,

Since most of you take and post pics, and you probably have moreexperience w/ this than I, I thought it would be a good topic to postabout.

I got a Nikon CoolPix L6. Now tonight, I was going to messaround and learn how to edit pics. Seems I don't likeNero-Photosnap or Picture Manager for Microsoft Office, or maybe it'sthe fact that I don't know how to use it? I haven't installeda program that came w/ the camera yet and was reading on some forumsabout editing and it seems that practically everyone uses Photoshop,which there is a free online trial for one version. Justwondering if anyone has any experience w/ this at all and why not usewhat comes w/ the camera? Pros/Cons?

I was also thinking that some software would come w/ templates thatpictures can be dropped into, like what Pet_Bunny does, I sure haven'tseen anything like that either. I do know that w/ somesoftware, you can add text to the pic, but not much else? I'mmajorly confused and I would like to learn all about editing as I havethis new camera. :ponder: The Nero we have doesn'teven have a tutorial or guide on how to use it. :shock:

Your experiences/thoughts? Thanks a ton if any of you have any knowledge w/ this to share!:tongutwo:
Hi Snuffles!

So far I just shootFine, Large, Jpegs with mycamera. I use Picasa2 todo the simple cropping,lighting, and sharping formy pictures.

Then I use to post my pictureson this forum. Youdon't even have tosign up to useit.

Until I start shootingRAW, I might look atPhotoshop. I did pickup Paint Shop Pro X asithad a free rebateduring the Boxing Day Sales, butI haven't had a chanceto open it yet.

Rainbows! :)
I don't like ArcSoft Camera Suitethat came with my camera - I use an older version of Corel Photo House.

Hi Snuffles-
I'm a graphic media major in my last year of college so I take/edit quite a lot of photos!
I have a Macintosh computer but it looks like you run Windows. Myfriends and I always use Adobe Photoshop, which does have a free trialverison but is quite expensive to buy. Something to consider is buyingan older verison, not the current Photoshop CS2, because it will becheaper and unless you're going to be hard-core editing, the programsare basically the same! Even I run an earlier verison so I don't needto buy a new one. If you do buy it, just make sure you get the windowsverison because it will be different from the macintosh verison.
Another FREE option is Gimp, a free-source-program (nerdy people-likemy boyfriend!- try their best to copy expensive programs by writingtheir own verisons then post them for free! Completely legal, don'tworry). You can download it for free and it's very similar toPhotoshop. Just make sure when you download it, download the one "WithGTK" (the other option is WITHOUT). Here:

When posting photos online, it is a good idea to change the resolution(basically how many dots per inch that make up a photo) to 72, whichcan be done in Image->Image Size because this will make theimage file size smaller & it will be much quicker to appear onthe internet. If you will be printing the images, though, you shouldhave the resolution as high as possible to keep the photos lookingsharp and not fuzzy. So if you do change the resolution for online, Isuggest you keep the originals in case you want to print later. Theoriginal resolution will depend on the number of megapixels your camerahas.
So, upload them to your computer, change the resolution/cut them downin size, then store them in a program such as andfinish by linking the photo to the bunnyforum so we can see your work!
Thanks alot guys! I'll talk to myhubby and see what we like best. I think something calledPhotoeditor? came w/ my camera, I may install and tryit. Most pics for online I do resize from Photobucket, but asfar as major editing-naa.

As of now, I don't even know how to upload my pics from camera tocomputer, my husband does and will show me this weekend when we havetime! So much to learn.

Thanks so much for the tips Pam and Fatrabbit!! :bunnydance:
I use the software that came with my camera, Idon't need anything fancy. I had photoshop but wasn't thatimpressed with it. Sometimes I use the HP software, othertimes the Canon, although I no longer use the HP camera, I left thesoftware on my computer. They are each better at differentthings.

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