New cage! What do you think?? Any thing I can improve/ change?

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Well-Known Member
Nov 13, 2012
Reaction score
dfw, , USA
So here it is! The cage itself is 56"W x 84"L which is 4.6 x 7 feet
the shelf is 56"W x 48"L aka 4 feet.

The cage is 42" tall, and the shelf is 18" off the ground and I doubt any of my rabbits will try to escape. The cage is supported by wooden dowels placed vertically (so nothing is really on the cage bars of the cage? all the weight from the HEAVY wood is resting on top of the dowels, the dowels are just zip tied to the cage so they don't move) I also have dowels zip tied to the cage horizontally so the cage is straight and doesn't move as much. The actual shelf has holes and is ziptied to the actual cage so in case I bump into the cage the shelf won't come crashing down. I didn't realize how SLIPPERY the stick on tiles would be so, for now, I got a rug and it's perfect width wise but not so much length wise so I just folded it. I'll probably think of a better way to do that. As for the bottom I have 2 mini rugs in the shape of an L so they actually have traction, but I'm worried that if they get too hot they won't have that much room away from the rugs, so I'm gonna buy some ceramic tiles and place them in the back of the cage.

the door of the cage is actually just a panel and a screw eye is what's keeping it shut (I can open it either way - push or pull)

Here are some pictures! Any suggestions or ideas to improve my cage? I am very open to new ideas! Also, are zebra stripes harmful to my rabbits in any way? Can they get "blind" or dizzy?

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A few of the pictures are sideways sorry! Oh and there's a little cat hidey house so my rabbits can jump on it and then onto the second shelf if they want. My little one doesn't seem too interested but my older male enjoys having a second shelf so that's what I added one!

photo 1 copy.JPG

photo 2 copy.JPG
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Yeah I had that concern too, I might put something over the top but before I got my younger rabbit my male had a shelf that was exactly that same height (18") and he never tried to jump out. However my female could be different! I will keep an eye on them and see what needs to be done
Yeah I had that concern too, I might put something over the top but before I got my younger rabbit my male had a shelf that was exactly that same height (18") and he never tried to jump out. However my female could be different! I will keep an eye on them and see what needs to be done

Good idea to keep an eye. It seems it was always my females that were so mischievous and sneaky, lol.
That cage looks great! Its so big! You were worried about it being too small?! Its plenty big, but they still need time out. Which you know! hahah. It looks great you did a great job!
Nice!!! Well done :) I know what you mean about the tiles. I have a rabbit that chews everthing, so I can't use carpet with her. The only thing she hasn't managed to destroy is the linoleum tiles, but they are way slippery. I'm on the search for the perfect bunny flooring. Chew proof and slip resistant. She's chewed everything I've tried so far. I ordered some garage floor tiles, so that is my next attempt with her. We'll see if it survives the mighty chewer :).

I love the new cage! Tons of space! And I bet once they get used to the new setup, they'll be zipping all over the place.
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Aw thanks! Yes they will get time out of their cage everyday :) Thank you! Oh yeah thankfully my rabbits aren't chewers (not on carpet/ whatever the material on the rug is!) I hope the garage floor tiles work out for you!
Looks GREAT!! I tried to tell my mom about it and she did not want to hear because she thinks that I am going to get ideas for my new cage. I REALLY like the zebra in there :) I am a college student so zebra is a must have ;)
Thank you! And LOL moms :p Thank you, I did not even mean for all the rugs to be zebra themed, I had the big zebra rug (the one that's on the shelf) on the floor of my room for a while and then I went back to the place wanting to get 2 smaller rugs and the zebra one's were the only ones they had so I got those realized I could make it all matching :p Thank you :)
Cage looks great, lots of room for them and I love the two levels. However, I do agree that, for certain, mine would be over the top and out so you´ll need to keep an eye on them at the beginning as, if they are going to do that, they´ll usually find a way within the first 15 minutes. I´m sure they´ll love it though.

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