Active Member
I have a 9mth old mini lop girl named bella, and I will shortly be adopting her a friend!:bunnyhug::happyrabbit: (so exited!) So, She needs a hutch ugrade! She and her buddy will live on an enclosed verandah after getting to know each other. If you want to mke any suggestions, It needs to have a tray, on both levels, otherwise I would have gotten a HUGE cae with a HUGE run, but i cant find any big ones with trays covering all of the bases. It also needs to have a ladder (obviously) and a seperator bewtween the levels for when they are still getting used to each other. And it has to be under $300
In case the link doesnt work, the hutch that i have been eyeing off is;
Over All Hutch sizes
131 x 57 x 108
Living Areas
85 x 45 x 45
Night Retreat Areas
42 x 45 x 45
Ramp width
Divider Opening
18Wide x 28High
Will this allow them to be happy? If not, can you PLEASE give me some mesurements that will? Or better yet a link?
Bella is desexed BTW and we are seeking out a male of around her size and currently stalking the RSPCA site Oh, and im guessing she will take her poop tray as her own, will she fight him for it ? will i need two?
Thanks for all the help in advance Xx