Well-Known Member
I wanted to delete my thread from yesterday when I picked up my velveteens.... Today I picked up 2 nice rex does. And my mom fell in love with a baby that had its ears chewed off.... soooo she got it.
My velveteens. Everyones in temperary cages. We got some so I could start up again and after the first of the year we're putting nice hutches in and expanding =)
But the Velveteen buck:
The doe
The guy we went to today and picked up my rexes, he has a doe that would eat the ears off her young, and so we picked up the one little one today
He'll be her pet. And I'm selling that tank so its in the living room at the moment. I was rushing around getting everyone settled and we sat him in there before anyone comments on the bag and stuff lol.
And he didnt have plans to sell the Opal doe. But handed her to me. I am a sucker for the opals. My first rex, 'Big Momma' was an opal doe. She was the best momma and such a wonderful rabbit.... and well he sold us the Otter doe, and then just gave me the Opal. Which made my day
My velveteens. Everyones in temperary cages. We got some so I could start up again and after the first of the year we're putting nice hutches in and expanding =)
But the Velveteen buck:
The doe
The guy we went to today and picked up my rexes, he has a doe that would eat the ears off her young, and so we picked up the one little one today
He'll be her pet. And I'm selling that tank so its in the living room at the moment. I was rushing around getting everyone settled and we sat him in there before anyone comments on the bag and stuff lol.
And he didnt have plans to sell the Opal doe. But handed her to me. I am a sucker for the opals. My first rex, 'Big Momma' was an opal doe. She was the best momma and such a wonderful rabbit.... and well he sold us the Otter doe, and then just gave me the Opal. Which made my day