New bunny. Vet?

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New Member
Aug 14, 2013
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Hello all! I'm new here. I just got a bunny from one of my good friends. His name is Kona and he's about 2 years old. The problem is, my friend got him as a baby and has never taken him to the vet. He eats fine, drinks fine. No problems with his behavior that I've noticed. Do I HAVE to take him to the vet?

Thanks for reading! All comments appreciated.
Not really,unless they're noticeably ill,injured or they need to be fixed.

Other than that they can just romp around without worrying about a monthly shot. (Lucky!)
Once a year or every six months doesnt hurt. The vet can usually look in their mouths better to see if they have any teeth issues like spurs on the back molars starting. They may also notice something you have missed or taken for granted. But if he's other wise healthy binky on!
It can be a good idea to take him to the vet as there can be things you can't see. Having a file at the vet can make it easier if there is an emergency or he gets sick as there will be a baseline for what is normal for him. If this is your first rabbit, there might be things you don't know about rabbit care, so a vet can help with questions and point out things you may need to watch for.
I think well visits are a good thing to do for a few reasons.

1. It allows you to get to know your vet. This is someone who will be treating your rabbit if they fall ill. I feel much more confident than I might other wise because I've developed a rapport with the vet and know I can trust her abilities.

2. It allows your vet to get to know your rabbit. They can establish a base line and it can make diagnosis easier if medical issues occur.

3. It gives you a chance of catching a health issue before it becomes a serious problem.
I agree with a lot of things people have said. It is recommended that you take your bunny in annually up to 6-7 years of age, then every 6 mo for a checkup. Rabbits are very good at hiding problems and continual monitoring is helpful in finding them before they become serious. If you don't regularly take your bunny to the vet, I would regularly weigh them at the very least.

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