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Hi I'm getting my second bunny in a few days, the first one passed away a while ago from old age. so I'm ready to get my new baby! I recently cleaned off my old rabbit cage with diluted Pine-Sol. I want to make sure that it's okay to put my new bunny in that cage? I normally would never clean with such a harsh chemical but it really needed a good deep clean. I was mostly worried about the smell affecting my bunny?
Also if anyone has any tips on litter to use I would also appreciate it
Health & Wellness Mod
Staff member
I would wash it down with some vinegar and plain dish soap to get any remaining residue off of it.
For litter, I use a large cat litter pan or plastic storage bin, with wood pellet litter on the bottom and a layer of hay on top of it. I've found this controls the odor best and keeps the urine drained away from the rabbit. Some use paper litters but I haven't found they work as well. This set up is similar to what I use, except I use the wood pellets, which is also a safe litter for rabbits.