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Well-Known Member
May 18, 2008
Reaction score
Bristol, Rhode Island, USA
hello everyone,

I have been reading posts all day and have seen such a wonderful group of people here. Everyone has been so helpful and kind to questions and concerns. Well, I have finally gotten my long awaited bunny. She is supposed to be a dwarf, not sure of the breed though. I will be posting some pics probably tommorow. Anyway, she is just a baby, fits in the palm of my hand. She is nice and active, has found the carpet is a wonderful chew toy! I had her in the kitchen with me today and she just loved exploring and running around. Just like having a child, everything was bunny proofed. Anyway, my question is that she has one ear that stands up nice, and the other droops. Not that it changes anything, i love her to pieces, but was just wondering why this happens. She came from a litter of 4, and one of the other litter mates had the same thing.

Thanks for any responses


Hey Robin, :hello:welcome1

Can you put your location in your profile?(Do you have an Intro post under another name?) Breeds differ from area to area. If you're in the UK, you can have a dwarf lop, in the US she's more likely to be a Holland Lop if she's the smallest lop breed.

Lops are areborn with 'up' ears, and sometimes theytake a while to fully drop.

She could stay like that -- we call them 'helicopter ears'-- which is my personal favourite. :)

Any ideahow old she is?

Definitely keep her from chewing the carpet, those fibres can wreeck havoc on her GI tract. Maybe she'll be entertained by some apple or pear tree branches or even a phone book or a cardboard box. (Paper is generally okay for them to eat).

Love to see some pics!

sas :bunnydance:
Thank you so much Pip for the info. I was worried that something was defective with her. She is 8 weeks old, white with splats of black. I can't wait to photograph her and post, she is just adorable with such a wonderful personality. I will definatly keep her from knawing on the carpet. The kitchen is better nothing she can get into trouble with. of course she did find a hiding spot in my tennis shoe! i updated my personal info, thanks for reminding me. Also, one other question, I do have two guinea pigs that also venture in the kitchen for their exercise, is it ok to let them out at the same time supervised of course. I've read that rabbits can hurt the cavy's, but right now their twice her size if not more.
Hello and welcome! :)Sas already answered about the ears - I love em too. I just wanted to say hello... as for the piggies and bunnies... most people will tell you no. I would also, but I do have one rabbit here that came with two Guinea pigs and I was told she liked to play with them - they don't live together. I did not believe that but one day I tried them in the xpen together and they did fine... however it very much depends on the rabbit, it can easily turn out very badly, so you'd have to introduce them very very slowly. I'm not an expert at this because I've only dealt with it once. But of course, be careful, just as you would be introducing two bunnies or any critters. I'm sure you'll find more help in that field here.

and you are right... havinga bunny is just like having a child! :biggrin2:

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