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Well-Known Member
May 12, 2008
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Bethlehem, Georgia, USA
Here is my 4 month old baby. I think he is a Holland Lop? I am I right or is he a mix?Sorry there so big I am still learning on how to work the photobucket.

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Welcome! Your bunny is very cute! What is his name? He looks like a Holland to me! I am learning how to tell Holland and Mini's apart:biggrin2:
AWE!!! He is adorable! Look at those ears, too cute. I don't know anything about lops so I have no clue on what breed but he looks like he'll be a small bunny so maybe Holland Lop? Whatever breed he is, he's just too darn cute. :biggrin2:
I can tell you! His breed is called CUTE. lol. Joking. He is adorable, but I'm not sure of his breed. He looks Mini Lop to me.... because his crown (piece on top of the head) is smaller than a Hollands...but hey, then again I could be wrong. He's still cute whatever lop he is!

I would say a broken chestnut Mini lop. What doeas he weigh? If he is a Holland he is very poor quality.
His face is long and narrow, his ears are long and pointed, his shoulders are long. Size why he is probably a holland but he looks like a mini to me.
Lias_ark wrote:
His face is long and narrow, his ears are long and pointed, his shoulders are long. Size why he is probably a holland but he looks like a mini to me.
I me he looks like a small Mini Lop. Also, his color is more popular in Mini Lops than in Hollands. Can't rule out a mix of the two though!
broken chestnut (his coloring) is both common in mini lops and holland lops.

it can be near impossible to tell the difference between the 2 breeds. i think you will have a better idea once he gets to be a little older, at 4 months he is still growing, his body is still going thru those gangly teenage growth spurts, and he isn't yet into his adult fur.


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