Sebastian Contin
Hey guys just wondering if anyone has advice for litter training my rabbits. I have two babies in a dog crate, they are 2 months old right now! I got them 3 days ago and I dont really see any improvement in their litter training, if anything they have even gone backwards in terms of pooping. They do most of the peeing in their box but sometimes they pee outside of it but rarely, a lot more the first day after I left to sleep. My biggest issue is that they seem to poop almost every time as SOON as they leave the litter box. Like mid jump or second jump after they leave. And not all the poops are sticky so the problem isnt diet. I'm wondering if anyone has any ideas. These poops probably make up half of the ones they make outside the litter box. The rest are a lot but its the 3rd day so thats to be expected. They also dont seem to have a preferred spot, they just poop all over the cage.