New Bunny Mama!

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Mar 16, 2014
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Sydney, Australia

As of a week ago I became a bunny mama for the first time! I went out shopping for a pressie for a neighbour at a not so local market and spotted a cage full of bunnies that looked like they seriously needed to be rescued. My heart was breaking. So I went to hubby and said we have got to get these bunnies. He quickly reminded me that I had no bunny experience not to mention a house full of kids, a MIL, Turtle, dog, and cat! Talk about a Debbie Downer! LOL My heart was breaking as I wanted them all. But my eye caught on to this teeny tiny grey bunny with yellow stained paws and I knew I had to get at least one. Before I knew it I had the grey one in my arms and that's all she wrote. I told DH that I was not leaving the bunny there. So I opened my purse and said it's mine! I asked the people what they recommended to feed the bunny and they said potatoes and wheetbix! Yes, alarm bells were already going off. They said I could keep the bunny in a bucket until I could find a better place. *alarm bells were deafening* Then they gave me a bag of what looked like cocky food (full of corn, seeds and some odd coloured pellets), a bag of pine sawdust and a water bottle. Needless to say I got to googling on the hour car ride home and came across this forum Thank Heavens! Once I got home, I threw out the bird seed and popped the pine shavings in the bin! Went straight to the vet and got some very exxy Timothy Hay and raided my herb patch. I am thrilled to say that every member of our already blessed and burgeoning household is thrilled with our newest addition: Earl Grey!

I've since taken Earl Grey to see David Vella (we're in Sydney, Au) (Thanks to a lovely friend Lara who recommended him) for a checkup and we now know that that Earl Grey is a "he" and approximately 5 weeks old...and had been doing well in my care! Phew! The vet was totally pleased with the care he's received and said I have sourced some great info and was off to a great start. Needless to say we are so relieved. :woohoo

Apologies for the long post, but just wanted you to know how thrilled I am with Earl Grey and with all of the wonderful info you've already provided. Thank you!
Hi there, and welcome. 5 weeks! Oh the poor little thing, so young. It definitely sounds like she is much better off now though. Potato and weetbix! Holy moly what a nightmare of a diet. Good on you for rescuing her, it's a shame you had to give them money...

Timothy hay in this country is very expensive, we don't grow it so it's all imported. You would be better off buying a bale of meadow, wheaten, or oaten hay and then storing it for use. I pay between $8-$15 for a bale depending what and where I get it. Then I bag it up into those woven plastic mesh bags and keep them off the ground in my shed with a couple lengths of timber. Then I fork out the $19 a bag for the oxbow pellets, because pretty much all other pellet brands in this country aren't worth buying :p They're ok for young rabbits since they're all lucerne based, but it's too rich for adults. Sounds like you're definitely on the right track though. :)
Oh my my my my my... SO glad you have the bunny in a safe place and home now. 5 weeks. it must be TINY...
Welcome to the forum. Earl Grey is one lucky bun!
Hi & :welcome1 to you & Earl Grey!
What a lucky bunny he is! So glad you were able to listen to your heart & rescue him! It sounds like you are doing a great job with Earl Grey. We do have a number of Aussie members here who can give you great advice & help you find the things you need for little Earl Grey there in Australia. Keep up the great care & post pix when you can!
Thanks so much for the warm welcome. So lovely! Managed to get a hold of a bale of Oaten hay. Golly is a bale ever a lot! LOL Doesn't seem that Earl Grey is too fussed with it though. It's almost like the pieces of hay are too long and he can't get the end of the hay comfortably in his mouth. I cut it in half and he does chew it a bit better, but only the greener bits. Is this normal? I'd hate for Earl Grey to hate Oaten hay considering us city slickers have sooooooo much of it. LOL
Welcome to the forum. You can use kiln dried pine for bedding as the kiln drying removes the phenols, but never use Cedar as it remains highly toxic.
Oh wow, thanks for this Nancy. I have no idea if the shavings were kiln dried? It smelt of pine still albeit not strongly. Currently, I am only using newspaper to line and putting the hay at one end in order to litter box train. But seeming that Earl Grey picks through the hay with great gusto, his litter box is also lined with hay! LOL I am changing it each night though.
Hi violetgems and welcome to you and Earl Grey (love the name lol). Can't wait to see pics of such a beautifully named bun :clapping:.
I would like to suggest that as you live in Sydney (i Live in Tassie) I would go online and order your Timothy Hay and pellets direct from Oxbow Australia, depending on how much you order freight is free. Like everyone has said to me Oxbow really is great stuff. I can't have it down here as quarantine laws are toooo tight so I use the Vetafarm pellets and Alfalfa brand Timothy Hay which Doc Wilbur scoffs down like a child in a lolly shop! Any ways welcome

cheers shooni
HI there and congrats on being a new rabbit owner. You sound like me I saw a cage crammed with more than 20 rabbits that was made to only hold maybe 2 and had to buy one to get it out of there, never mind I knew nothing about rabbits or how to take care of them. Now I have 4, two from before and two I rescued in November of 2013. Good luck and please post photos!

Take care

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