New bunny is demanding?

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Well-Known Member
May 16, 2012
Reaction score
Middleofsomewhere, Arkansas, USA
I got Weston a couple weeks ago. He's about 3 months old now. He's already really friendly (just isn't too fond of being picked up) and until yesterday I had just been petting his back which he likes/tolerates. Well yesterday I started petting his nosed and he melted almost immediately. I pet him like that for a couple of minutes then went to finish what I was doing on my laptop. He wasn't too happy about that and climbed my tower of pillows and sat right next to my head with his whiskers tickling my ear. So I gave him a couple quick pets. Apparently that wasn't enough because right after I stopped, he started chewing on my pillows. I tried petting him and stopping again to see if the chewing was related to me not petting him. It sure looks that way! He had been on my pillows countless times and had never done that before. How do I correct this without deterring him from lovins and interacting with me?
Sabriel does something like this. If I am petting him and I stop, he starts licking me and then if I take too long, he starts searching for something to chew to get my attention. One day that something to chew was my headphones during a Skype call. LOL

I haven't tried to correct it. I just pet him when he tells me to. XD
Cookie does this too lol I don't correct him unless he is hurting me lol ie: scratching me to get my attention... But if I make a point to give him a good 30 minutes or so of un divided attention he will usually accept my stopping... And then other time, especially if I've been gone all day or real busy, he insists if I'm sitting them I'm his LOL which is fine with me :) I'd rather him crave my attention then avoid me :) after while tho he will sometime just flop pressed up against my leg and go for a snooze... And then I can get some stuff done... That is until I move or he wakes LOL
If Becky doesn't get her minimum of 30 minutes undevided attention a day I get the bunny butt at dinner time. She won't even look at me. Talk about a guilt trip!

I think rabbits are just very social and when a bun bonds so well with you that is a gift. However that means you have to give them lots of loving, particular single buns.

Weston is so cute he is impossible not to love on, so soak it all up :)