New Bunny....Have questions.

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Well-Known Member
Aug 17, 2005
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, , USA
So i got my beautiful new black english angorathis weekend....she is beautiful. but i have some beginwith, she will pee in one spot then when i put the litterbox there shewill either go next to it or in another corner....with my other onewhere he went i put the litterbox there and he went in thelitterbox......can some bunnies not be trained??? how can i encourageher to go in litterbox??? one more male (justfixed a week ago) bunny will poop and leave a trail all around that normal? why is he doing that? Thanks for all your help~
Try putting some urine soaked bedding or papertowels in the litterbox to give her the idea. This is prettynormal, especially as she is new and (I'm assuming) young.

Your male is marking his territory, and making sure the new bunny knowsit. This is normal too, especially since there hasn't beentime for his hormones to calm down yet. As a side note, makesure he can't get to your new bunny through the cage. He'llstill have living sperm for another 2 weeks or so and could get herpregnant.

So, when do we get pictures?
Naturestee gave you some good advice.Soak up where she peed with a paper towel. Put the dirty paper towel inher litter box and cover it with a little bit of litter. Then get someof her poops in there as well.

If her cage is big enough you can put a litter box in eachcorner. It is hard to litter train until after they are a bit older.She will probably get the hang of it only to hit puberty and her litterhabits may suffer.

Your male is marking his territory. He is letting her know thisis his turf. He'll most likely do this for a little while

yeah she is only 3 months old, when i got myother one he was a bit older and picked it up real quick, i was a proudmomma! :) thanks for all the advice, i guess its just amatter of waiting and patience, yeah he def can't get into cage, itused to be my dogs cages so its strong and has two locks and one isdifficult to open...thats the last thing i need taking care of babies:shock::shock::shock:she is acutie!.....i havent tried taking pictures of her, im trying to let herrelax and settle in as soon as i get pictures i will post themup! hopefully he gets over marking his territorysoon:D :D
this is the only picture i have of her can'treally see how beautiful she is (camera phone) as soon as i get betteri will post them
Awwww, what a cute lil' fluffball:love:

~Emily and the Fuzzbutts~
Just a word of caution. Rabbits havebeen known to breed through the bars on their cages. Just make sure hecan't get to her that way either.

She is gorgeous and I can't wait to see more pictures. EnglishAngoras have always been a dream breed for me. Does she have a nameyet?



JEEPERS... have been racking my brain to figureout how Gracie got pregnant... when the only time they had beentogether was 1 month prior to when she got pregnant. He usedto spend a lot of time at her cage! OMG that thought nevercrossed my mind! Moves Gracies cage up out of reach!!!!!

dajeti2 wrote:
Just a word of caution. Rabbits have been known tobreed through the bars on their cages. Just make sure he can't get toher that way either.

She is gorgeous and I can't wait to see more pictures. EnglishAngoras have always been a dream breed for me. Does she have a nameyet?



:shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock:eek:hjeez! i didn't know that! well she mostly stays away from him, doesn'tpay atention to her, he will go to her but she doesn't care forhim.......ill put something around cage yeah her name is cindy..this ismy other one his name is gizmo one ear up and one down :D
Go to:

Load your pictures there... pick the ones you want rightclick on the part that says url and copy... come back to your postclick on the icon that has the 3 little balls in it ... a small screenwill pop up paste what you copied there ( make sure you remve thesecond http:// or it will foul up. Your picture will show up on thepost as soon as you have done it.

Make sure that when you are adding more pictures that you move yourcurser down.. I usually double space it. You can also typebetween the pictures just watch where your curser is.

I bumped up a post called Pictres& Avatars that tells you how to do it. It explains it betterthan I can.


edits to add* Gizmo is totally adorable. What a cutie. :love:

Cleaning myself


Chillingon vent


Eating veggies


eating more veggies

Thanks for letting me know how to pst them!
You've gotten good answers to your questions.

I love your bunnies!! I'm so jealous of thatAngora. I totally want one and a black one to boot.I'll be adding her to my bunny napping list...yes, I'm going to pack...

thank problem gizmo shall get a hugfrom you :4hearts:jen i have gotten very good answers to myquestions, i really like this forum...and no bunny napping:nonono::disgust: we are runningaway..................:run: :brat::rofl:
Woot - woot! PICTURES!


Such a beautiful bunbun you have there! Please give her tons of hugs from Katy and I! Especially, Emmy!
thank you, ill try to take more pictures of my cindy and also gizmo...they are very cute aren't they!, i love them :inlove:

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