New Bunny brings flying hair fights

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Apr 5, 2005
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So, I took myfemale (11 months old, spayed) to the adoption fair to meet a friend,after a couple of tries we found a nice male (6 months, neutered) thatshe got along well with (layed next to one another, he groomed herbriefly, very little bumping)

When we got home she ran and hid in her box and the few times she cameout he chased her and nipped on her back hair, so I separated them witha second xpen down the middle of her large xpen.

All was quiet like that, this afternoon I opened it back up and theywere immediately going at it, except this time it was her pulling hairoff of him and chasing him. I through a blanket over her andit stopped and I separated them again. Waited about 15 min.and opened up again, this time she hopped over and laid next to him (hewas in the litter box). That lasted about 10 minutes then sheattacked him again.

He's thumping and scared. They're separated again.Am I doing this right? The people at the adoption thoughtthey'd be just fine together, but obviously that's not working thatway.

I don't want either to get hurt. Is this normalbehavior? What do I do? How long before they likeeach other, or will they?

HELP please!
I dont know if they will ever like each otherbut them getting along in a strange place versus him in her territoryis two different things.dont put him in her cage intoduce them in aneutral zone.seperate if they fight and try again.bluebird

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