New Bunny (another...) also litter box training Q's

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Jun 10, 2005
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Hello Again :)

Well we are now sure that my new mini lop x is a boy....I have notdecided on a name for sure but I am thinking Dermot :) Nowhowever, the reason that I bought him thinking he was a she, wasbecause I was told that the younger sibling of Spyrals that I wanted ascompany for him, was male.

I got a call saying that I was going to kick em but the brindled bunnythat I had really wanted was probably a girl. So I went toget her, and sure enough, girl! So......

Yeah, I have four rabbits now:ele::ponder: Her name isBrindle, and I am going to get Spyral neutered asap. Shes just a babyso shes too young to get pregnant at this point but I will separatethem again verysoon (It had to be an instant decision, hisother younger siblings were going right then so I had to take her thenifI wanted her and my new boy is in my only temporary bunnycage at the moment ;) )and I will try to get him neuterednext week. They get along wonderfully by the way, he's in love and shelikes him. She is black with brown brindled bits, very verypretty and quite friendly, I've handled her enough to know :) She is aNew Zealand X as well as she had the same parents as Spyral.This is certainly more bunnies than I planned on...and were I"smart" I would take my new mini lop back to the store seeing as I wasnot at all looking for a boy....but I am already way too attached forthat. He's sitting on my lap right now. Ah well I never could doanything small.

On to my question, how would I go about litter training bunnies thatdon't like to go in one corner of their cage? Spyral was a breeze andtrained himself. But my new boy, and Brindle just go where ever. ThoughI think Brindle may be peeing beside the litter pan, either that or init but its hard to tell since she is in with spyral. It seemsalot easier to clean out thir litter boxes every day or so than theirentire cage :)


I don't know if this will help or not, but I hada giant lop once who pitched a fit when I put a litter pan in his cage.He stomped and growled and dumped the pan and made sure I knew how hefelt. So I took the pan out and bought thosedisposablealuminium pie plates (the square ones) and filledthem with litter and put them in the corner under the wire floor wherehe liked to potty the most. This worked perfectly and I never hadtrouble with it again.

If Brinde won't potty in one place, my suggestion is to add more thanone litter pan. She'll probably pick her favorite and start using itregularly, then you can remove the others.
Pez cleans out his own litter box... USED OR NOT!

I tried the foil pan idea because it was just the right size.. he justemptied it and banged the pan against the cage like a prisoner and atin cup.... When my husband was in the hospital they sent him home withhis wash bin and I cut some of the side out and wedged it between theramp and the wall of the cage... Now Pez can not move it or dump it....and I just about fall on my butt trying to get it out to clean it LOL

if it works... it works

Hi,Aqua, when I was litter training my blue otter Netherlanddwarf, she'd go everywhere ! Her litter box got used, but so did othercorners of her cage. I finally tried using white vinager (any brand) toclean the wire area that was NOT a designated potty area, and after afew days, she only used her box ! Hope thathelped.

Her cage is in a separateroom from Gimli's until they can get along w/o trying to scratch eachother. Litter training is great since after they are trained , they canhave brief romps around the house w/o leaving puddles . Thedry droppings areeasy to clean up after, but my mom-- whom Ilove-- notices slight odors , as well as laundry left unfolded , ect.,when she comes over !:D:D:D

Kadish Tolesa :purplepansy:

butmy mom-- whom I love-- notices slight odors , as well as laundry leftunfolded , ect., when she comes over !************

LOL A mothers jobis never done lol ,

My nethi Dwarfsbasically potty trained themselves , I put a litterbox in with Starla and Black Star , neverput any droppiings or Wee init and within 2 days Iwas noticing wet spots in their litterbox , Last night My oldestDaughter chose a Nethi/dutchcross, put her in a cage , tucked alitter pan in with her and withina few hours thelitter was wet , I still haventfigured out If we got extremelylucky or just havesmart babies , but either wayim not complaining , less smellless clean up .

I like the idea thatKelso has , an under the wire litter pan , sounds likean excellent solution tothe mean litter box takin moreroom than the bunny thinksit should lol . but heyIf it works go with it .

my best suggestionis see where they potty mostcomfortably and htenmove the litter pan under that spot ,hope this helps .

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