Hello! I'm TJ but you're welcome to call me by my username as well! I bought a bird from petco awhile back that was just too ill so I returned it and it kinda ruined owning birds for awhile and "settled" for a bunny, but wow! when I got them home (two, because my mom begged for a white lionhead mix..) I was AMAZED by how loving, sweet and intelligent they are. One of them is very adventurous and already likes coming up to me to get pet and licks my hand! Not sure if it's because the pet store we went to allowed customers to always have free access to the animals (we were allowed to pick them up right out of their thing, so I got a first hand feel of which ones were more skiddish vrs calmer ones.) But they seemed to settle in VERY quickly. However, the black one we got seems to sneeze a lot. Not sure if this is because we live in a desert and its fairly dusty or not...Anyway! Any tips for a new owner?