New Bun from Buck

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I LuV MaH BuNs

Well-Known Member
Nov 23, 2004
Reaction score
Some where, New Jersey, USA
This is the little... no name yet... that daddypicked up from Buck yesterday! Shes a little damp because i got some ofthe oil and rocks off of her! i guess the wash cloth was a littlewet Ifu cant see me i didnt do it!! ::does a meat loaf in the corner:: heehee
awwwwwwwwww she is just beautiful , wet or not wet she has a kissable face
Hi Danielle! :)

Congratulations! Thanks for posting pictures of The New Kid on theBlock. What a journey this little on has been on to get to herdestination.

Your mother and father have a heart of gold. God knows we knew thatbefore about them, but when they took on this babe - in the middle of asnowstorm - with a day to make up their minds, they certainly revealedtheir character and love of all creatures great and small.

I'm very much looking forward to hearing stories, and learning whatJessica settles on for a name. Will be brainstorming with the Buck andMissus about further details about her life as we know it if youhaven't come up with a name yet.

Hope all is well with you.


Danielle, you have so many bunners to spoil now! I'm jealous!

She's so cute! Did Jessica name her Rosie?