Yesterday whenI went to do theroute for my M I L I checkedrabbits all were fine everyone was fedwatered and left with a small treat, nothing was amiss I came backat 10 : 30 checked everyone andnoticed my Blue Dutch looked funny , Ifigured it was moting time and didntthink much of it as I wentaround checking water bottles and feed dishes , Allof a sudden it occured to me thatIt hasnt really warmed enough tohave them blow coats , so nackI go look her over again , hairhas been pulled from odd places sooI whip open her hutch end and sure enoughtheres hair all in one spot , I startpoking around and feel warm bodies, Babies ! , Did a quick checkfor deadones and left her alone I wasnt sureshe was done kindling yet,.
Hubby came home I poured mygutsout to him after i had rantedto 2 others on the board by PM, yelled screamed hollard cussed you nameit then calmly asked if he had bred thatDoe , he said No wasnt him , Iasked Cassi nad she explainedafter the Lightning incident and losing allprivaledges she hadnt doneit either , so how did this happen? well let me explain a fewthings .
We run a Bait Shop also, we have live bait for fishing, We have it on thehonor system and have beenreally Lucky to have peoplewho get thier own bait pay thenleave , saves me at 4 in the morning on a coldwinter night getting up and getting baitfor some fool who wants to freeze on hteice fishing. BUT From goingthru the who didnt doits I came to the realizationthanks to Pam prodding my memory of who had beenaround last month , That the onlyway something like this could havehappened was for someone who getsbait to have tossed rabbits together ,My suspicions were arroused a dayor two ago And I was talkingto Tina about my NDacting funny , and musing maybeshe was pregnant , whichcouldnt be possable as sheis somuch smaller than any of my males , ( shewas due for spay next weekalong with 3 others theBlue Dutch was included in this spay) well not now neither of themor the other 2 will be goingin till I know howmany females were bred and how many morespit babies , ( imsorry I am beside myself andMAD!) My Husband just came inand we went down to the garageto check babies ( Blue ) isvery protective takes 2 ) I looked atLightning and OMG she ispulling fur ( maybe sympathetic ,? Idoubt it ) So next day or soshe needs be watched like a hawk reasonbeing she only had babies 11weeks ago and 12 of them to boot, so now i have 3 i am watching
So this is what we havedone needless to say its a caseof lockingthe barn door after the horse got outBUT effective anyways , I have spikedthe roll up door in place andhave huge paddlelocks on both outside doors , Ihave the only keys , Bait cannow only be gotten If I amawake and home there will be no more self serve ,The jack arse that did thisisnt going to ever get a chance again ,and If I ever find outwho did this B.S. Im gonnakill him/her. I still havebabies from the last 3 litters that wereall born on the sameday within minutes of each other, to say I am not impressedis putting it mildly , PoorCarolyn Tina and Pam haveall had to go thru the rantingand I must give them Creditthey tollerated the rantings of ahalf crazed senile oldladyThanks GirlsYou all mean more than I canever express .
heres a picture of the new babies theres 9 in all ,all pet quality, all bad markings ,
Hubby came home I poured mygutsout to him after i had rantedto 2 others on the board by PM, yelled screamed hollard cussed you nameit then calmly asked if he had bred thatDoe , he said No wasnt him , Iasked Cassi nad she explainedafter the Lightning incident and losing allprivaledges she hadnt doneit either , so how did this happen? well let me explain a fewthings .
We run a Bait Shop also, we have live bait for fishing, We have it on thehonor system and have beenreally Lucky to have peoplewho get thier own bait pay thenleave , saves me at 4 in the morning on a coldwinter night getting up and getting baitfor some fool who wants to freeze on hteice fishing. BUT From goingthru the who didnt doits I came to the realizationthanks to Pam prodding my memory of who had beenaround last month , That the onlyway something like this could havehappened was for someone who getsbait to have tossed rabbits together ,My suspicions were arroused a dayor two ago And I was talkingto Tina about my NDacting funny , and musing maybeshe was pregnant , whichcouldnt be possable as sheis somuch smaller than any of my males , ( shewas due for spay next weekalong with 3 others theBlue Dutch was included in this spay) well not now neither of themor the other 2 will be goingin till I know howmany females were bred and how many morespit babies , ( imsorry I am beside myself andMAD!) My Husband just came inand we went down to the garageto check babies ( Blue ) isvery protective takes 2 ) I looked atLightning and OMG she ispulling fur ( maybe sympathetic ,? Idoubt it ) So next day or soshe needs be watched like a hawk reasonbeing she only had babies 11weeks ago and 12 of them to boot, so now i have 3 i am watching
So this is what we havedone needless to say its a caseof lockingthe barn door after the horse got outBUT effective anyways , I have spikedthe roll up door in place andhave huge paddlelocks on both outside doors , Ihave the only keys , Bait cannow only be gotten If I amawake and home there will be no more self serve ,The jack arse that did thisisnt going to ever get a chance again ,and If I ever find outwho did this B.S. Im gonnakill him/her. I still havebabies from the last 3 litters that wereall born on the sameday within minutes of each other, to say I am not impressedis putting it mildly , PoorCarolyn Tina and Pam haveall had to go thru the rantingand I must give them Creditthey tollerated the rantings of ahalf crazed senile oldladyThanks GirlsYou all mean more than I canever express .
heres a picture of the new babies theres 9 in all ,all pet quality, all bad markings ,