New Babies grrrrrr

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Yesterday whenI went to do theroute for my M I L I checkedrabbits all were fine everyone was fedwatered and left with a small treat, nothing was amiss I came backat 10 : 30 checked everyone andnoticed my Blue Dutch looked funny , Ifigured it was moting time and didntthink much of it as I wentaround checking water bottles and feed dishes , Allof a sudden it occured to me thatIt hasnt really warmed enough tohave them blow coats , so nackI go look her over again , hairhas been pulled from odd places sooI whip open her hutch end and sure enoughtheres hair all in one spot , I startpoking around and feel warm bodies, Babies ! , Did a quick checkfor deadones and left her alone I wasnt sureshe was done kindling yet,.

Hubby came home I poured mygutsout to him after i had rantedto 2 others on the board by PM, yelled screamed hollard cussed you nameit then calmly asked if he had bred thatDoe , he said No wasnt him , Iasked Cassi nad she explainedafter the Lightning incident and losing allprivaledges she hadnt doneit either , so how did this happen? well let me explain a fewthings .

We run a Bait Shop also, we have live bait for fishing, We have it on thehonor system and have beenreally Lucky to have peoplewho get thier own bait pay thenleave , saves me at 4 in the morning on a coldwinter night getting up and getting baitfor some fool who wants to freeze on hteice fishing. BUT From goingthru the who didnt doits I came to the realizationthanks to Pam prodding my memory of who had beenaround last month , That the onlyway something like this could havehappened was for someone who getsbait to have tossed rabbits together ,My suspicions were arroused a dayor two ago And I was talkingto Tina about my NDacting funny , and musing maybeshe was pregnant , whichcouldnt be possable as sheis somuch smaller than any of my males , ( shewas due for spay next weekalong with 3 others theBlue Dutch was included in this spay) well not now neither of themor the other 2 will be goingin till I know howmany females were bred and how many morespit babies , ( imsorry I am beside myself andMAD!) My Husband just came inand we went down to the garageto check babies ( Blue ) isvery protective takes 2 ) I looked atLightning and OMG she ispulling fur ( maybe sympathetic ,? Idoubt it ) So next day or soshe needs be watched like a hawk reasonbeing she only had babies 11weeks ago and 12 of them to boot, so now i have 3 i am watching

So this is what we havedone needless to say its a caseof lockingthe barn door after the horse got outBUT effective anyways , I have spikedthe roll up door in place andhave huge paddlelocks on both outside doors , Ihave the only keys , Bait cannow only be gotten If I amawake and home there will be no more self serve ,The jack arse that did thisisnt going to ever get a chance again ,and If I ever find outwho did this B.S. Im gonnakill him/her. I still havebabies from the last 3 litters that wereall born on the sameday within minutes of each other, to say I am not impressedis putting it mildly , PoorCarolyn Tina and Pam haveall had to go thru the rantingand I must give them Creditthey tollerated the rantings of ahalf crazed senile oldladyThanks GirlsYou all mean more than I canever express .

heres a picture of the new babies theres 9 in all ,all pet quality, all bad markings ,


I don't mind it a bit, shoot I've beenrantind right along with you. My heart breaks for you and the rabbitsthough. Like I said to you earlier, this depth of meaness breaks myheart and I can't stop crying.

You have gone above and beyond for the rabbits in your care andLord knows there are enough of them. For something like this to happenis truly heart breaking.

The does I feel so sad for. They have just recovered fromkindling and kids and have to go through it again. Your ND is scaringme the worst, I must admit.

I wish I could do more to help you. I've even been talking toDale about getting all four girls Christa, Hopi and their pen mates. Iam just not sure if I can swing it.

I am so sorry.

I had planned onkeeping the chocolate and theorange anyways so its ok, The 2 tht worry me and thevet is the ND andnow Lightning this will be herthird litter and i am sooooonot impressed , OK Now can I stressSPAYING AND NEUTERING AS SOON ASPOSSABLE!!!!! everyone thinks its such awonderous and beautiful thing to haveRabbits breed to experience the Joyof birth well let me tell youafter this has happened wherethe heck is the joy , I usedto Pitch and fuss because rescuefacilities whined and fussed over not enough roomfor all the abused animals alwayshad the sentiment if you haveto pitch a fit about it you dont needto be in the servicewell ya know after this experience i cansee where they are coming from, I am afraid I am getting tohte point where I cant trustpeople especially around my rabbits , andLocking the garage isso heartless to them , and to waste allmy time sitting there with ashot gun isnt practical either,I am afraid I either have tomove my whole house in the garage to bewith them all the time or have to give upthe rescue .. I suppose i have to get offhere now and get the kidand then Bullet to the Vets, I will come back on later to let youknow what the verdictis, either too big ,or small enough for her to kindle, God my head is spinning and splittingall at the same time . Stress inducedMigrains are not for theweak let me tell you .
Oh gypsy...




I am so sorry you're having to deal with all this. You know I'd takeone or two of those buns in a heartbeat if I had the room.You've definately gone above and beyond and didn't deserve anythinglike this.

Im sorry, people can be so idiotic andheartless! They are real cute however, I would take one if I can get mymom to say yes :shock: :p
Pardon me, but what would possess some dumb @%$to even think such a stunt would be cute/funny or anything else!!!! I'mso sorry to hear about this...I hope everything comes out ok....
Oh, I feel so awful for you! I can'timagine how angry you are, I would be enraged! Wow, I was soupset with myself when I accidentally let Orion and Basil get together(she's not pregnant, I got to them in time -- I paid for x-rays at myvet so I could know for sure), but if someone randomly did that....whyare people so obnoxious? I have to say, thank God it's youthat has those babies, because you'll take care of them, whereas somepeople wouldn't. If I were you, I would post a big signexplaining to people that they can't get bait because of the stupidityof some others.

I am back from the vets , Looks like Kindlingis immenent somewhere with in the next 7 days , he didnt dare abortthem at this time . They are very tiny babies thankfully thats one BIGworry off my mind , But it looks like after she wean s them a definatespay is going to be necessary , which i had set up anyways he is afraidbecause of her size this litter wont birth normal , and chancinganother melicious accident could kill her , I did contact the policeabout it because this is a case of Animal Cruilty believe it or not , Iwas surprised , Doc told me it would be classified as such :shock: Inever knew that , but do now .
I have checked the babies again and it looks like 4 of them aredilutes(Maybe ) and Tri colors to boot , they have blue or black eyeslashes running from nose to outer eye . the others i cant tell areeither black and whites or blue and whites , pretty babies i must sayjust very unexpeted and not planned for . I will be building more cagestho , for the ones who cant find a home.
I kinda feel like I got caught with my pants down geesh totally unexpected ,
What kind of sick,heartless scumbag could dosomething so cruel,i hope everything works out ok for you no thanks tosome arshole""**
The KInd you never give enough credit to being totally stupid I guess ,
Gypsy, I jm so sorry to hear about whathappened. Just rest assured that 'turn aboutis fairplay' or 'karma is a *' Basically, the evil that this persondid to youwill turn around and go back on him.

:( I hope all the does did not take, and if they did hopefully they will have no problems kindling.
oh gypsy if i was only closer i would so helpyou out!! i cant imagine what you are going through rightnow! i know its hard enough to deal with older rabbits cominginto rescue without all the babies to care for! if you needto rant feel free to pm your heart out to me im here for ya!
I just looked at that picture, they are the mostadorable little things, but I'm still feeling so upset foryou! I would help you out if I were closer and take a baby or2 when they are old enough. It's just awful what some peoplecan do.

Iam going to talk to Daletonight and broach the subject of maybe taking one or two more. Noguarantees but I am going to try. I only wished I lived closer so Icould at least spell you and watch, feed, water and clean cages foryou.

I am so heart broken this happened to you. I hope they nail theson of a gun to the wall for what s/he did. It just makes meirate.:mad:

I am praying for you and the does and babies. call me if you need anything.

Believe it or not, some idiots did that at our fairs too. Not in my memory, but I've heard stories.

4-H show-ers, beware! It does happen. At one county's fair they endedup padlocking all the cages because someone had systematically put allbucks with does one night.

What makes people think of this stuff??:X

Well huby came in from work tonight with THEMOST perfect solution , ( now i kinda feel stupid for underestimatinghim ) This is what his plan is He was talking with his boss and wastelling him what all happened and the boss said heres hte Charge Cardgo to Radio Shack and get one of those Survalience systems that hook tothe computer :shock: hmm just so happens I have a spare computersitting right here beside me , I think this is a wonderfull Idea andwas wondering what all you think ,?
Update on Lightning she has furr pulled for hours now she is not indistress and no babies yet, ( crosses fingers and eyes )
Im thinking I am seeing a Blue in Isis 's litter but cant be sure for another day or two ,
I agree they are pretty babies , and you do tend to get hookedon themquicklly m I think once I get over being mad things will go a bitsmoother , and as soon as little Bullet kindles I may feel even betterwho knows , But i think this Mad is going to last a good long while .
Tomorrow I will go to Radio Shack and order teh system and have it set up I just hope it doesnt take too long.
LOL Ya I get asecurity system and now imsitting here not so patiently waiting forthe dang store to open up ,Geesh ya know I am in a rushand they have thebutt end not to open till 900amgeesh . Then I get to go towork and then for thenext few days I get to sit and wait onthe Installers, LOL story ofmy life lately Hurry up and wait , :shock:

Another day and stillno babies from Lightning , Sheis stillacting all weird and protective ,of herhutch so I am still not sure Ifit is Hormaonal OR ifshe is actually Pregnant ? Should havetook her In with Bullet lastnight but I was afraid if shewas about to kindleshe would hold backand have more problems, ButIf she doesnt have them in thenext day or so In she will go .

Im just hoping if she is Nothingis stuck . she isnt acting strange wellany stranger than she already is , she isnt inpain and not pantingor acting off , still eating still pooing andpeeing , and being her grouchy self ,With the Blue Doe being in thecage beside her I am just hopingit is wishfull thinking on her part . Butwith 2 of them preggers Im thinking itsmore wishfull thinking on my part . never know buttime will tell .

I have a new Dutch comingin tonight around 5or so its a male , I amhoping I can get himneutered within the weekand rehomed soon after that . I havehad Inquaries for aMale Dutch either Neutered ornot but in light of all thatshappened It wont be let gotill the surgery is done and heis well .:X
That camera system sounds pretty cool. And youhubby must have an awesome boss! I hope all the does andcurrent/impending babies are okay. Oh, and if you find the jerk who didthis let me at him when you're done with him. It's sad enough that theparents were abandoned, but to make so many unwanted babies is evenworse.

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