Amy - I use Adobe PhotoShop. My brother in law isa graphic designer and used it a lot in school. I don't know if he usesit anymore, but that's how we got introduced. It can be a littleconfusing to get started, but the more you use it the easier it gets.
Carolyn - Our little red-headed girl is in deepdoody!Yesterdaymy allergies were so bad I couldn't do a thing, so I foolishly trustedthe kids to be good. I have a floor lamp and 2 table lamps in my roomthat are basically one big paper shade. The kids ripped all 3 ofthemapart. Thenthey went to her room and completelydemolished it. She had a canopy hanging over her bed that is rippeddown, the shelves in her bookcase are empty and taken down, everythingis off the top of her armoire. I suppose it could have been even worse.I shut the door and locked it, it will have to wait until daddy is backin town.
OMG while I was goofing around online the kidsdumped a box of clumpable litter down the drain in the shower and thengot it wet and clogged the drain. There was litter mud spreadeverywhere in the bathroom! We spent 4 hours cleaning it up! That'llteach me!!! I was feeling awful from my allergies earlier but forcingmyself to get my body moving seems to have made me feel better. I'msuch a bad mommy!!!