New Member
Hey all! I'm Lorraine and I just signed up for rabbitsonline! I have lots of pets, but butternut seems to be the most interesting one. My friend and I were out front of my house when we saw a white bunny hopping around. I bent down and she came right to me and hopped into my arms. It's obvious that this was someone's pet that was either lost, or thrown out. She's so tame! I have an outdoor hutch that I put her in and fed her and gave her some water. It was then that I realized...I think she's pregnant. Her nipples are out, and well not to sound weird, but her vagina is pushing out a little bit, and she has a bulge on her lower torso. I didn't push hard on it, but there is something there. Can anyone help me to make sure that she is pregnant? And if she is...WHAT DO I DO?! I've never had a rabbit before, only chinchillas and cats!