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Feb 18, 2014
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Hi everyone! :rabbithop

I'm looking for a baby Lionhead for my daughter's birthday. I've been searching online for about 2 weeks now with no luck... I've seen sites like hoobly and petfinder, but can't find any in my area. The closest breeder with babies for sale I've found is four hours away... a bit too far for me to drive.

Does anyone have any advice on where to find these? I'm located in Indiana. Thanks, and looking forward to being a fellow rabbit owner!
Hi there and welcome to RO! How old is your daughter? I don't generally recommend rabbits in homes with small children since I've found that the expectations of a child and a rabbit don't often meet up. For example, most rabbits don't like to be held. They also have very fragile spines and dropping a rabbit (say if it tries to dig at or bite a child and the child is startled) can paralyze or kill a bunny. They can be good pets for older children however as they are very interactive, but as with all pets of course it's important that an adult is the primary caretaker.
How did you pick the breed and what makes you want a baby? I personally prefer adopting adult, already spayed or neutered rabbits as that way I can get a good feel for their personality before I bring them home and then you don't have the expense of the alteration on top of that.
Hm, perhaps you could consider another breed? They're all cuties :)

Mother to mother though, rabbit pets really can disappoint a child. As prey animals, rabbits are easily spooked, and I know how kids just want to squeal and snuggle and get all loved up with their pets. Got a little girl of my own, and I /keep/ having to console her when she tries to cuddle one of the bunnies and they scratch her trying to escape.

But that's not to say that there isn't a bunny out there who's just right for you and her. Bunny babies are a huge gamble personality-wise. For the best pet experience I would recommend bringing your daughter to a good shelter, letting her hang out with some of the bunnies for a while, and pick the one who gets along best with her personality!

I'm sure you'd be a fantastic rabbit owner, so please don't take this as a rebuke against your efforts to find your daughter a bunny! We're all just opinionated bunny welfare freaks here. :p
Hi There...

I agree with missyscove and whiskylollipop a bunny is a big commitment and is not to be taken lightly.It is not like owning a cat or a dog as i am a new bunny owner myself and have had alot of eye openers since my new ownership of my bun.They definately need to be neutered if you get a male especially as i am running into the problem of my bun spraying right house and ME.He has taken to nipping and digging at me while i am holding him now too.I think it`s fustration on his part as he is coming into his hormones.

Stewie was really sweet when i got him almost 2 months ago now but is changing.he will be going in to get neutered as i can`t handle the mess that he is leaving right now and i refuse to give him up or put him outside and have him feel like he`s done something wrong at this point which i think would only make matters worse.I think your daughter having a pet is an great idea but maybe something other than a bunny at this point until she`s old enough to understand.

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