got my first bun, lucy about a month and a half ago. we had planned on getting a bunny and went to a petstore to get a cage and stuff to prepare for the eventual new pet. though normally i avoid petshops and go for rescues, i fell in love with this lil holland lop. she's a 'show reject' i guess. i got her at a small local petshop that only gets buns from a local show breeder when they have buns that can't be used as show animals. lucy must've been 'nom'med on by a litter mate when she was teeny, cause she has a bitey flap on her ear. i guess it makes her not show-worthy. but she's an awesome pet! i just fell in love!she's a little trouble maker, constantly tryin to get into places she has no business going (like under the birdcage) anyhow, i'm learning how to be a good bun mom, and loving it. she's so awesome and has so much personality! so it's nice to meet everyone and i look forward to learning a lot here!