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Jun 19, 2005
Reaction score
Findlay, Illinois, USA
Wow... about a week ago, i was "blessed" with alitter of ten satin/lop crosses. two bunnies escaping in thesame night... what odds... Unfortunately though, my dad is throwing aFIT about all my bunnies.. i have 25 now... and i am trying to sellsome of my crossbreds to keep him happy about allowing me to have mysatins and mini rex. As i have found out in these last fewdays, several of ya'll are from illinois. If you guys know ofanybody that is looking for a bunny, please forward them to thislist. I currently have "for sale" the following:(note: bunnies are not necessarily for sale... in some casesi will give them away... however i am asking $5.00 a bunny to justifyit in my dad's eyes and help to pay for entry fees with my red satins)

- 6 black buns that are 10 weeks old. their daddy is a blacksatin/lop cross and their mom is a Californian crossed with sumfin..not quite sure what though. I have four males and two femalesleft.

- 10 buns that will be ready near the middle of July. Dad ismy senior satin buck and mom is a broken black mini lop (we think shemight be purebred but not sure).not sure on gendersyet.. as they are only about a week and a half old.

- Black Satin/Lop cross.Buck born in April of lastyear. Placed second in his class at Shelby County Fair lastyear. very nice bunny if he has time spent withhim.

- Mini Lop. Doe born in March of last year. Won herfryer class at Shelby County Fair. Very nice mom.:blueribbon:

- Californian/cross Doeborn March of lastyearPlaced second out of7 in her class atshelby county fair last year. Cannot be shown any more thoughdue to torn ear thanks to my dumb dogs that killed off half my animalslast november...

- Californian/Cross buck unknown birth date. A little odd atsome times but very nice bunny. My four year old niececarries him around the yard and he is yet to scratch or biteher.

If you or anyone you know would be intersted in any of my bunniesplease email me... I really hope my fellow Illinoians can help me outon this one. :pray:
dont forget that i do rabbit rescue!!if you needed to place some of them here in rescue id be happy to helpyou out. there is no fee to bring them into rescue :)
If you are abreeder of Mini Rexes and Satins then why do you have so many mixedrabbits? Just wondering.


I want to get into Satins this year... i just got my first ones thisyear to have something to show at my 4-h shows and stuff to becompetitive. The crossbreds are left over from last year... afew of them are the ones i showed last year and then a couple othersare ones my mom picked up in random places. As far as theyoung ones.. the first group were to be my "meat pen" for my 2 4-hshows and my ffa show, as the bunnies had to be a certainage. This second litter was unexpected... as my niece leftcages open... As far as the mini rex.. i just got one a few days ago atour 4-h show because my mom had always wanted one. I'mnota breeder of anything yet...

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