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May 10, 2004
Reaction score
Yateley Hants, , United Kingdom
Hi all.

I have heard a few mixed views about having Dylan neutered.

At this time he is very happy has a lovely temperment and is veryaffectionate towards us. He doesn't spray and seems to have masteredthe art of peeing happily in the litter tray although he poopseverywhere.

We read most places including the house rabbit handbook that neuting isbest, we just don't want it to change his personality as for a bun withall his hormones rushing about he's pretty well behaved.

I have found that my local vet can perform the op.

So open to you all please i would be grateful for as many differentsuggestions and what people's experiences of what your rabbits are likeafter the op was done please.

Finally what prep do i need to do for when he comes home.????

Many Thanks.


I believe all buns not intended for breedingpurposes should be altered. I never heard of a bun geting a badpersonality after being altered. I believe it is good health wise tohave them done. The worse thing I heard about changes afterspay.neuter is the hold a grudge for a few days and maybe don'e use boxa day or two because they ar to sore to hop. That is my opinion
I know that if you remove their "gonads" then itis one less body part to cause health problems. I know thatyours is a boy, but I also want to add that I have read that a femalerabbit will have a life expectancy of 3 years if she is not spayed, asopposed to at least twice as long if you do get her spayed.This is due to the risk of uterine cancer. I imagine that youcan expect your rabbit to live longer if you have himneutered. (Some boy rabbits will die in a fight overterritory, which would be less likely if he is altered also)You never know what could happen, but if he survives the surgery, hischances of illness or injury will most definately be less.

(Don't let that if about survival scare you either. A vet whois experienced with rabbit anesthesia sould have no problem with thissimple procedure)

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