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Well-Known Member
Mar 27, 2005
Reaction score
Portsmouth, , United Kingdom
my nerthland bunwho is a male isreally kind and loving!!! and he lets me do anything to him lol whichis good if i wanan check him over!!
anyways i was just thinking if Buttons my male nerthland is caring and kind do ya think theres still need to get him neuterd?
I recommend neutering to eliminate the chancesof testicular tumors/cancer. Although the occurrence oftesticular cancer is not common, I've had to have 2 bucks (differentbreeds) put down in the last year due to testicular cancer.

We have an adorable netherland mix who was asweet little bunny, but once he hit puberty his affection became ratherannoying as he would spray everything, especially us, with a vengence.

Once we got him fixed he calmed down a lot :) which was much more plesant for us and for him :)
Fluffy wrote:
my nerthland bunwho is a male is really kind and loving!!!....if Buttons... is kind and caring do ya think theres still need to get him neuterd?
Depends upon what you consider "need." Most will agree castration makes most bucks better pets and reduces hormonally induced behaviors that can be problematic to people and the buns, themselves. If neither you, nor he suffer from such homonally induced behaviors, castration may not be "needed." On the other hand, castration may "improve" an already good situation.

A reduction in testicular cancer is commonly bandied about as a manner to increase the longevity of unbred bucks, yet I, or no one I am aware of, can support that contention with any statistical data. On the other hand, the elimination of the testicles makes it impossible for them to develop cancer in that area, doesn't it? The procedure, therefore, may be worthy of merit simply in that respect, given people's experienceslike that of Pamnockin the above, eh?


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