Neuter after care, eating

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Well-Known Member
Oct 29, 2012
Reaction score
, California, USA
My bunny just came home from his neuter, he's pretty tired and zonked sleeping in the back of the cage, he wont accept treats or anything, took I think like 3 bits of hay and went to sleep. I'm worried about how long I should give it till he should eat again, if I have to I can syringe feed some pellets mashed with water. The last time he ate I think was probably 4-5 hours ago..I hate to disturb him cause he will kick and throw a fit to be picked up but I also know he NEEDS some food.
He's eating more hay very slowly at his pace , still no water but I know he has peed. I'm sorry to bother anyone on a common asked question probably, my anxiety is through the roof for him and I had a few good nightmares so far tonight. But hearing him eat some hay now and then is soothing, I hope water is next!
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He's eating lots of mint this morning and even took one papaya treat but refused a second. I'm praying for some poops now :)! I think he did some very dry ones but I can't remember if they were yesterday's. sorry to think the worst, not sure I can handle another spay or neuter, I'm adopting from here on out on fixed little furries.
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I was a nervous nelly when I had Faith done a year ago. Fortunately my two boys were both already done when I got them (my 3 buns are all throw-aways). Soon this time will pass and you will forget about it so hang in there! :hanging:
Any advice on if he's eating moderately well but not really pooping? I'm thinking he made a few but I'm pretty sure it might have been yesterday's. he's been peeing well enough I think but I assume the food intake will soon push something out?
If he's eating I wouldn't be too concerned. If he stops eating, then I'd call your vet. Did he get sent home with any pain meds?
He didn't receive any, we had him done at a low cost spca clinic, I probably should have checked before hand on that :\ Though he doesn't seem in any pain today and even wants to come out though I'm still keeping him confined longer. I have a rabbit savy vet in my area to take him to if he needs them but I don't think he will ( I hope ). The trip to the spca where I had him fixed is to much of a long drive for a re check up.
One of the first signs of pain in bunnies is when they stop eating. He likely got a 24 hour injection of an analgesic before or shortly after his neuter, but even that you can't be sure of. If you have a regular vet he's seen before they should be able to prescribe you some pain meds.

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