Well-Known Member
So I was had the tv on while studying lastnight. I wasn't really watching anything and the show "men in trees"came on, I've never seen it before and I wasn't really paying attentionto the story lineuntil a discussion between two charactersstarted and one of the men remarked that he may end up with some womanwith pet rabbits, not even pet cats, rabbits. I was so insulted Icouldn't even think straight. First of all, I had never even heard a tvshow comment on people owning a pet rabbit before and then one time Ihear it, it is a negative remark to people owning rabbits.
Thatstill makes my blood boil. So For the good name of rabbits ownerseverywhere. Write up those A$&*%() writers for "Men in Trees"and tell them what you think. Or at least never watch the show and tellothers it is a terrible show. 