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Well-Known Member
May 22, 2012
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I need help on the order that I should do this. Bare with me, I already have a feeling this is going to be confusing....

Okay so I finally decided on a new enclosure for Agnes. My husband gave me the go ahead to buy an NIC cage. It's a 3 level, I'm excited!!

Agnes is litter trained. 100 % on pee, maybe 75% on poop. She was definitely the bun who picked her corner in her cage and that's where the box had to go. However, the corner that she picked (in her current cage now) was by her ramp. So her original litterbox didn't fit there. I tried my best to get her to use the bigger box by placing it in other corners of her cage and also putting soiled litter in there but she had her corner picked and wouldnt budge. So that other big box has sat in her cage unused. In order to just "get her litter trained" I put a temp smaller box in her cage in the corner she picked. All around it has worked fine and served the purpose and it got her littertrained but I would like to switch to her bigger litterbox, especially now that she is getting her new enclosure.

So, the question at hand is should I attempt to get her using her bigger litterbox now before she bets her new cage? I can technically remove the ramp and put the bigger box in the corner she originally picked if thats the easier way. OR,,,should I wait til she picks her NEW corner her NEW cage and then make the litterbox switch then?

I guess I just don't know how picky buns can be with litterboxes and new cage enclosures. I obviously don't want to mess up her potty habits and want to do this in the right order.

Sorry this was so long! Hopefully I made sense. Thanks!!
Made perfect sense to me. As someone with a female lion head, like your Agnes, I know how picky they can be. Boys, mine didn't care where it went. My girl, she told me where to put EVERYTHING.

Make the full change when you put her in her new room. ( Sorry, can't stand the word crate or unit, so I call it a room. Hey, it works for me.) She's going to show you where she wants it to be anyway.

Keep using the smaller one. Don't take down her ramp. Let her be until the big change.

And definitely let us know how she likes her new room.

I agree that you should wait. Then, put the litter box where you think she will like it, but if she doesn't like it there, immediately move it to where SHE wants it.
Yes, no reason to have even a single mess to clean up because you aren't placing it anywhere. They seem to prefer the corner furthest away from the entrance. That's what I did in Honey's pen before she arrived & except for a few territorial poops from time to time, she's used it there ever since.
Okay perfect. Thanks everyone! I will wait until she lays out the floor plan in her new home , haha :), she definitely let's me know where she wants things!

Thanks again.