Need urgent baby bunny advice!

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Nov 30, 2014
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I got two bunnies a few days ago, they are only 7 weeks old. For the past two nights I have been letting them sleep in my room, but tonight I wanted to let them sleep outside in their hutch. It is quite large and I think it's comfortable for them, it also has a good "bedroom" that's out of the weather and protected. But I'm worried that they will be scared outside! They have been inside their whole lives and only been outside for the past two days. It's very windy outside!
I live in australia and atm it's very hot, my bedroom doesn't have air conditioning and yesterday when they slept in my room the spent most of the time flopped out under a chest of drawers.
Should I bring them inside to sleep or am I just being an over anxious rabbit owner? Any advice would be appreciated!
Thank you!
If they have always been indoors, introduce them to their hutch very gradually. If there are animals that roam at night where you live, it is possible they may be scared to death by the unfamiliar noises and drafts. If they HAVE to live outdoors, try insulating their hutch with wet cloths covering the windows, to serve as a cover against drafts and wildlife as well as cool down the interior.
Where are you in Australia? I'm in Perth and with our current weather I wouldn't want to keep my two outside. Just be careful with the heat too!
If it is too hot in your bedroom, it would probably be a good idea to temporarily move your buns to an air conditioned room in your home. Rabbits can overheat very easily. Just within the last couple weeks, an RO member in Australia had one of their outdoor rabbits die due to the heat. So if you do decide to put your buns outside, you'll want to make sure it is only at times where it is sufficiently cooled down. It's good to also provide things that can help cool them down like cool ceramic/marble tiles, frozen water bottles to lay by, and fresh cool water in a dish to drink.

It is also important to make sure that the change isn't causing them too much stress(because of their age and also if they aren't use to being outdoors), as well as making sure their hutch is predator safe(if this is a concern in your area).
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My baby bunny was an indoor rabbit and I've introduced her to the hutch slowly over the past two weeks. I started by letting her spend half an hour out there and everyday I increased the amount of time she spent in there. She now lives in the hutch and only comes inside when I am home and it is very hot. I live in Australia as well and it's very hot outside and inside so I just give her and my other rabbits a ceramic tile that's been in the freezer and a few frozen water bottles :) I also put ice cubes in the water.

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