Need suggestions on cage set up and bathroom habits

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Jun 26, 2011
Reaction score
Atlanta, Georgia, USA
So we have these 2 baby lionheads approx 3 months old and I am looking for advice with their cage set up and litter training. The cage we have is fairly large, approx 4 ft long, it has a shelf and ramp on one side where they lay underneath the shelf a lot. I have a veggie basket and salt/mineral block on top of the shelf. The water bottle is on the back of the cage. The litter pan is in the opposite back corner from the shelf. I have the hay rack on the back of the cage next to the litter pan and the food bin is on the side of the cage at the other corner of the litter pan. The do fairly well using the litter pan most of the time other than a few droppings around the cage. The biggest problem is mostly at night they seem to want to urinate in front of the food bin on the floor of the cage. I will wake up and find a big pile of droppings and urine. I had the food in a bowl on the bottom and bought the bin to hang by the litter box thinking if was higher and they had to sit on the litter box it would stop them from urinating on the floor of the cage. It did help a good bit but I still find a mess in the mornings and the urine is getting on their feet and making a mess all over the cage. Since the cage is so large I am trying not to put aspen shavings or anything all over the bottom because it would be so hard and costly to change it out every day. I put an upside bowl in the bottom of the cage in front of the food bin to try to block the urge to urinate more but it is still not stopping them all together. I am looking for advice on anything I can change in the cage or anything I can put on the bottom so they are not walking in urine because I know I cant keep washing their feet every other day (they HATE it). I was thinking something like reptile carpet or something similar? It would absorb the urine and keep their feet dry but would probably have to be washed every day or it would smell. You can see photos of the cage here

Also looking for suggestions on a bed or sleeping area. They like to lay under the shelf so I dont have a hide box. I tried getting a little ferret bed (like a mini cat bed) and they wouldnt go near it. I also tried a small mat for a cat crate thinking it would give them a soft area other than the cage bottom and they would not go near that either.

Thanks so much for any and all advice.