Need suggestions for going on vacation and finding care for our buns

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Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2004
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Ottawa, Ontario, Canada
Dave and I are really wanting to take a longweekend somewhere, Quebec City, the shore perhaps. Basically a minivacation. The problem is, we have no one here in Ottawa who can carefor our rabbits and have no idea what to do.

I've thought of finding someplace to board them, but have never donethat before so am not sure what to expect. Not to mention, how muchdoes it cost and is it worth it?

We have three rabbits, so it is a handful for someone not used to buns.Also, most non-rabbit owners seem to think they're like hamsters andall you need to do is feed and water them.

Any suggestions on what to do? Are any of younear Ottawa andwilling to help us out if need be? We were planning on buying a"travel" cage for them, for when we go away.
If this is your first trip away from the buns I would recommend boarding them, just for your own piece of mind.

Have you tried contacting any pet sitters? Just because mostof them advertise for dogs and cats, you might find one willing towatch bunnies. What about your vet? If they can'tboard them, perhaps they could recommend someone....or even one of thetechs in the office might be willing to watch them since it's just along weekend.

Too bad, I'm in Ohio or I woulddefinitely help you out.

Let us know what you come up with!

I used to be able to take trips all the time,back when I was in Vermont with everyone around willing to watchChompers for me (this was before Abby and Valuran obviously). We hadone of Dave's friends who stayed here for the weekend when we went toToronto, but he's in Manitoba or something like that for the summer sohe's out.

I never thought of a pet sitter. I guess I feel that anyone here I'dtrust 100%, more so than boarding them. You guys know rabbits and wouldtreat my babies as your own.
Maybe put an ad in the paper for a responsibleolder teenager since school is out. Alot of the teens in ourtown do pet sitting during the summer. And then make upalmost like a test for them to take all about rabbits so you know basedon how they do on it that they know what they are doing.
I highly recommend a pet sitter...if you can find one.

When my dogs were still alive that's what we used onvacations. The dogs were less stressed than being in akennel. Your rabbits would be too. They willrecognize it's not you taking care of them, but at least theirsurroundings will be familiar and it willmakeiteasier on them.

The cost of a pet sitter was actually cheaper than boarding.
Could you perhaps e-mail the Ontario Rabbit Education Organization (

Seeing as they deal with rabbits day in and day out, they may have somerecommendations for you. When we spent a week in D.C., I was able toboard Rex and Peanut with the coordinator of the New Hampshire HRS :)
Thank you, m.e., I'm going to check that linkout. We haven't made plans yet, because we don't know what to do withthe buns, but that's what's been holding us back.
The one and only time we left the buns we hadone of my daughter's friends from her Girl Scout Troop take care ofthem. Her mother supervised her and it went very well.

Do you have anything like the 4H by you? Or like a youth group that works with the care and raising of animals?

Local rescues and/or shelters may have sitters.

The vets may have suggestion or actually do the boarding. We have 2 in our area that do this, but it is $$$.


PS - I stayed home the last vacation because I was concerned about theanimals. The rest of the family went to Williamsburg, VA and had awonderful time.:disgust:
I too would say try a pet sitter. Justmake sure you interview them first and leave goodinstructions. I also like the idea of asking yourvet. I had a vet tech I know take care of my reptiles when Iwent away and she was just wonderful. I felt good because Iknew she would pick up on any problems.

What about boarding at your vet? Askyour vet for a recommendation on a good place to board. Thatway, if anything (like an illness) happens they will be properlytreated. My vet happens to board, which is lucky for me,perhaps you can lucky out as well...? A local youngster is agood idea as well. Ask around at work and see if any of yourfriends can recommend a responsible young adult for some summer $$$

I'm from Tucson too, what vet do you take your bunnies too?Also, is there a place close by that sells woody pet other thanMarana.

I usually have my neighbor, who has a 13 yearold son watch my dog and fish when I'm gone, it worked out verywell. But haven't had to leave my bunnies yet.Unfortunately my neighbor just moved out of town this morning so I haveto find someone else.


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