New Member
Simba just turned 3 years old he is the 3rd rabbit I have had in my life. I have never once had a health problem I have never even taken any of my rabbits to the vet before they have always been spoiled by me and fine. Well I woke up a couple days and my Simba was putting his face in the water dish. That is when I noticed what I think is an abscess on his mouth. Unfortunately because of covid it took me a couple days to find odd jobs to rack up enough Vet money since covid has hit Las Vegas so bad none of us are working out here....but I finallly got enough for him to see the vet but it will be 5 more days. What can I do to help ease his pain? I can;t even see the absess because he is black and he used to be my buddy but now he will freak out if I go near him. I read iodine and neosporin with no pain reliever and I bought both but honestly I don;'t think it is getting onto the right spot it sucks. Anything I can do for his pain? Thanks guys
The picture I attached is looking from the floor up to his mouth.

The picture I attached is looking from the floor up to his mouth.